"In order to do that, Dvorak said it is necessary to continue improving the area's workforce.
"We need to shift how we look at education and training into developing human capital and blending in quality of life issues," she said. "If we can keep a balance of creating wealth and continuing to improve quality of life this area will continue to grow."
You talk about clueless! A. Dvorak and Mcwhetor. The community has just gone to H@ll in one setting. They are still trying to contol thte community and USM. What a joke!
Exiting ADP chair says 2005 a successBy Reuben Mees http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051202/NEWS01/512020310/1002 "In order to do that, Dvorak said it is necessary to continue improving the area's workforce. "We need to shift how we look at education and training into developing human capital and blending in quality of life issues," she said. "If we can keep a balance of creating wealth and continuing to improve quality of life this area will continue to grow."
New jobs?? With no new jobs created and none the horizion, it's time to focus on existing businesses!! My, my really interesting new idea.
Chairman McWhorter certainly has his work cut out for him, but he does have his boss Carl Nicholson to ask advice.
I find it very interesting that there are over a thousand businesses in the area that beleive all the crap coming out of the ADP.
"LOCAL" obviously has issues with AD. LOCAL, it's fine to talk about her performance, actions, etc. but you're pretty close to the line on some of your comments. That's not good.
Been gone and of the airwaves. I have seen nothing wrong with "LOCAL's" coments. People need to know about these public servants. The article was sad seeing Mr. Jones getting no credit for his hard work. If I cross the line maybe she will hire her ex-husband to sue me. But so far, nothing I have seen or heard around town crosses any line.
If I cross the line maybe she will hire her ex-husband to sue me.
If I'm not mistaken old Mark was never able to obtain a Mississippi law license, which is why he split the sheets with Hack Hanbury and is now doing non-barrister handyman grunt work for Exline's husband.
Let me start by clarifying one thing. There is a ban in our office from any staff member visiting this web page. However, I have the authority to do so. Less than 45 minutes ago, I received a fax copy of this page from another attorney who found it to be disturbing for the same reasons I do. When Mark Dvorak first came to this community I had the opportunity to meet him and visit with him. I found Mark to be honest and very much a gentlemen. At the time I met with Mark we spoke about practicing law in Mississippi and he was very truthful that that was not his interest and that he wanted to continue lobbying as he did in Jackson. Note, this meeting took place before Mr. Hanbury came to this community.
I do know that Mark came to visit me back in June when he was leaving Mississippi to pursue other opportunities following his divorce. We did not discuss his divorce and we did not discuss his leaving his lawfirm. I was asked to be a reference for him in the future and agreed and still agree. I do know that he did not take the bar exam and that that decision was at his own accord. In fact, I have spoken to Mark several times about certain issues since he has left. To my knowledge and based on my conversations with Mark he is not in Hattiesburg and is not in Mississippi and has not been here since June.
With that being said I feel the need to address Mr./Ms. "Legal Eagle's" comment. If in fact you are a member of the bar of Mississippi you are a disgrace. No matter how you attempt to couch your terminology "If I am not mistaken!" If you are a "Legal Eagle" you should know the facts of a matter before you speak or your client will suffer! Note for the record that there is a big difference in one stating that an attorney "was never able to obtain" a law license as opposed to the fact that a person "never took the bar exam." If a lawyer never sat for the exam than it is impossible for another person to make the false statement that that person "was never able to obtain" a license. Legal Eagle get your facts straight. I hope your pleadings and motions that you file on behalf of your clients are far superior than the words you speak on this web page.
I remain a reference for Mark Dvorak and will continue to do so without hesitation. There is no evidence I have to prove otherwise. While he was at the University of which support fondly, there is nothing I know of that he did wrong to anyone. There is no evidence in the community that he harmed anyone. I admire the man for the struggle he survived during his wife's battle at the University.
In closing I will state that if he did work for the Exline's that is fine, but atleast he was working and you cannot fault a person for that.
South MS. Lawyer wrote: Let me start by clarifying one thing. There is a ban in our office from any staff member visiting this web page. However, I have the authority to do so. Less than 45 minutes ago, I received a fax copy of this page from another attorney who found it to be disturbing for the same reasons I do.
'Scuse me?? BAN?? During work hours maybe. Your response is a big over-reaction.
I should add that 99% of the readers of this board don't care about Mr. Dvorak one way or another. There is someone posting here who obviously has issues with him and his wife. OR there is someone pretending to have these issues in order to disrupt the board. In either case, most of us are just glad the Kentucky Cabal is gone. Mr. Dvorak probably did the wisest thing he could, all the best to him.
While he was at the University of which support fondly, there is nothing I know of that he did wrong to anyone. There is no evidence in the community that he harmed anyone.
Perhaps you were taking an out-of-state sabbatical during that period?
Thanks, CDRM. Do you think taking a huge salary for a job you aren't qualified for is slightly dishonest, especially when other university employees got nothing? Who do you think this poster is, MD himself?
I should add that 99% of the readers of this board don't care about Mr. Dvorak one way or another. There is someone posting here who obviously has issues with him and his wife. OR there is someone pretending to have these issues in order to disrupt the board. In either case, most of us are just glad the Kentucky Cabal is gone. Mr. Dvorak probably did the wisest thing he could, all the best to him. However, I suspect 99% of your post is bogus.
TW, I'm with you. Basically, I see this whole thread as obfuscation. What's the point?
That said, the fact that Mr. Dvorak "hung out his shingle" when he left the university would appear to fly in the face of the assertion that he had no intention to practice law here. The sign in front of their law office on Hardy Street included both the names Hanbury and Dvorak for several months. At the very least, that indicates an inclination to practice law, if not the outright representation that one is licensed to do so.
So what? Let Mr. Dvorak do what he wants to do. Cut him some slack here. There is no shame in handyman work, irrespective of whether that rumor is true.
I've always wondered what exactly the ADP does and how it interacts with USM. How do they benefit the city and the university? Can anyone enlighten me on this?
ram wrote: Third Witch, 2 wrote: Cut him some slack here. There is no shame in handyman work, irrespective of whether that rumor is true.
Given the choice, I'll take the handyman over the lawyer any day. No disrespect to some fine JD's I know, but most handymen give full value for the dollar.
That said, the fact that Mr. Dvorak "hung out his shingle" when he left the university would appear to fly in the face of the assertion that he had no intention to practice law here. The sign in front of their law office on Hardy Street included both the names Hanbury and Dvorak for several months. At the very least, that indicates an inclination to practice law, if not the outright representation that one is licensed to do so.
I'm just pleased that MD is gone and don't know why his name has now resurfaced. However, ram makes a good point. For anyone interested in digging deeper, there was an "outright representation" on their office sign and on their web site suggesting that Dvorak was in fact licensed to practice law in Mississippi. Questions were asked. These (mis)representations were, how shall I put this delicately, reportedly a compelling reason for his ultimate departure from the state.
As for doing handyman work, certainly there's no shame there. It's not the shame, but the irony that was the point, in my opinion.
This thread is getting weird! If I am not mistaken the topic is ADP. I agree with all the Witches and ram. Who cares about M. Dvorak! This thread is about the ADP. The very first posting by Reporter is very interesting. I am refering to the comments made by A. Dvorak.
"Building human capital" "Quality of life" "Creating more jobs"
Over the weekend I was made priviy of her idea of creating human capital and quality of life. Has anyone heard of the turnover rate she has as far as employees? It is unbeleivable. These people were all qualified prior to her hire and now all of a sudden they are not and they are leaving in flocks. Sounds like "human capital" is down the drain for ADP. What about their quality of life now?
The joke at the end of the night was she states she created over 900 jobs. Where? Sounds like the unemployment office needs to hire more people to take care of the ones leaving ADP. Maybe they are tired of the "red" eyes and "clinched" fist!
A. Dvorak....The joke at the end of the night was she states she created over 900 jobs. Where?
What evidence did AD provide to support this claim? What jobs, where, and what role did she play in "creating" them? I'd like to see the statistics she cited, if any. Or is this just more of her customary smoke and mirrors routine?
Skeptic wrote: Scoop wrote: A. Dvorak....The joke at the end of the night was she states she created over 900 jobs. Where? What evidence did AD provide to support this claim? What jobs, where, and what role did she play in "creating" them? I'd like to see the statistics she cited, if any. Or is this just more of her customary smoke and mirrors routine?
Excellent question if only because it possibly is more of the same that we saw with the cv.
I've always wondered what exactly the ADP does and how it interacts with USM. How do they benefit the city and the university? Can anyone enlighten me on this?
Where's Invictus today? I'm sure he'll be able to field your questions about the AD/ADP alliance and the massive economic benefits that have rained down upon Forrest County under Angie's stewardship.
Well I have been gone and it has been a cold trip. Nice to be back in a warm home. What has happened to this thread? I thought this was about the ADP and A.Dvorak ole' "clinched fist." This is confusing but I am glad someof you all saw it. If M. Dvorak is a topic lets not discuss it here.
I went back and read that article that Reporter posted and find many laughs and loop holes in it. For instance, my research shows that Blueprint Mississippi is a statewide initiative with many economic development people involved. However, to hear her and her new boss state it, they dreamed it all up and it is an ADP project. Yep! Again trying to take credit were it is not due. As Concerned alum stated sounds like some of that cv. "Pumping" stuff would we say?
Dinner meetings are somewhat interesting! Last night during an excellent night out discussions were had regarding the ADP and A. Dvorak. The topic was the serious bonus she was going to receive for her efforts in the Katrina clean up. One question posed, was whether it was proper? Her activity was part of her job. How many more people employed in the area and just performing their duties during that time here will receive a "serious" bonus? This smells! Who in the world would gets a bonus based on a natural disaster, especially when it is part of your job to perform the essentials to aid the community. I could not sleep at night knowing I took it. Benefits at the behest of mother nature. "Job creation, wealth, growing human capital" in her book. Although it was not a natural disaster do you think the men and women of the 9/11 incident received a bonus. I think not. It was their job. Sad person.
Just in. The confirmation that the staff under A. Dvorak are leaving asap! Must be the "clinched" fist or is it her---? The cv shows something, I just can't get a hold of yet but I'll bet it is lack of ----? Her notion of quality of life seems to be unemployment to her advantage. Beware, Mr. Cornett is monitoring this page. I still do not see his qualifications for the job for which he was hired just like his boss A. Dvorak. I guess when she was hired it was ok. I wonder how the whole hiring process really took place. They thought they could say to us "here's your sign." Stinky situation.
Why should we "beware" that Mr. Cornett is monitoring this page? So what? We all assume that all sorts of people "monitor" this page. It's a public forum.
Scoop and/or LOCAL, if you have something substantive to tell, please do so. Otherwise your constant frothing about AD et. al. is becoming tiresome. You may have your personal reasons, and they may even be valid ones, but please, this is getting very old.
Ex Hattiesburgian wrote: I've always wondered what exactly the ADP does and how it interacts with USM. How do they benefit the city and the university? Can anyone enlighten me on this? Where's Invictus today? I'm sure he'll be able to field your questions about the AD/ADP alliance and the massive economic benefits that have rained down upon Forrest County under Angie's stewardship.
Again, LVN LOCAL is their own person. If you do not like what you see do not read it. I am here for the cause so bare with it or bail out. Over hte years we have read what you have stated and had no problems so grin and bare it. I do not mean to be rude but do not accuse me of being a poster I am not. Thank you.