Arkansas State University is in the midst of hiring a new chancellor. We have whittled the list down to three, and one of these is Dr. Tim Hudson, the former provost at USM. I noticed that there were a lot of threads about Dr. Hudson back in the 2004-2005 range that seem to indicate that he might not be the best administrator. Can anyone give an opinion of whether we are making a mistake if we hire him? His name was added to our list at the last minute by the ASU System President, and that gives me some worries.
Well, no need to respond to this thread anymore. As everyone knew was going to happen, the good ole boy system prevailed and we have now hired Tim Hudson.
I'm just not sure what it means that this thread received almost 80 views and no one from USM responded. Does it mean that the AAUP at USM is dead? Does it mean that USM only has new hires on campus such that they were not there during the Tim Hudson years? Does it mean that Tim made such a minor impression that no one can remember him? Or does it mean that USM faculty really wanted us to hire him so that we would be stuck with him?
Whatever the answer is we are stuck with him now. I guess time will have to tell.