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ReRun, Dwayne, and Raj

Doty...Lies and Videotape
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Thankfully no sex.

The following link will take you to CoB Dean Doty's presentation for the Dean's job at South Florida:

Doty at USF

Just click on the link below Doty's information.

This thing is full of lies about things Doty has done at USM and shows inconsistencies with his actual activities and what he is telling USF he does.

For instance:

At approximately the 5:00 mark, Doty discusses shared governance and how important shared governance is to him. Contrast this with his one-man driven Digital MBA that he is ramming down the collective CoB throat. In fact, at approximately the 5:25 mark, Doty exclaims that he is a big believer in faculty votes, yet he is spending big bucks for a program and demanding faculty work for a program that has yet to be voted on by the faculty.

At approximately the 5:45 mark, he discusses "transparency and fairness" and his belief in both. However, there are a large number of faculty in the COB who have gotten "black box" evaluations. One faculty member has repeatedly asked Doty for specific things that faculty member could do to become a better teacher, and Doty has refused to tell him. Friends of Doty get raises and opponents do not, regardless of teaching, research, and service contributions. Also, ask the CoB staffers about their new evaluation system.

At approximately the 10:45 mark, Doty mentions his goal (for USF) of being a top 50 business school. Sounds a lot like the "Road to 100" plan he has for USM's CoB. Apparently all he knows is the style of accomplishment and nothing about the substance.

At approximately the 19:15 mark, Doty perpetuates an egregious lie. He discusses how he was unwilling to kill the Real Estate major in the CoB. This summer, Doty personally made the uninformed decision to kill the Real Estate major in the CoB. I personally watched as an untenured junior faculty member defended that program. This junior person had to stand up to Doty, show Doty why it was wrong to kill the major, and convince others to help him in the matter. Doty reluctantly changed his mind only after being proven wrong in a public forum. There are many in the CoB who know the real can just ask people you know in the college. I saw this part, and it turned my stomach.

Doty will tell anybody anything to get what he wants. He has lied to his USM faculty. Now he's caught on tape lying to USF faculty as he pursues their dean's job.

Wake up, USM. Doty is just Shelby with a little less experience at being an administrator. However, he is just as much of a jerk and a fabricator.


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The part about having done more that any previous CoB Dean to advance the research culture in the College is offensive.  Doty has done things in this regard, but so did Ty Black and Bill Gunther.  In truth, I think either one of the two previous did more than Doty has done.  I'm sure those two will see this video.

calling in some help here

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ReRun, Dwayne, and Raj wrote:

Thankfully no sex. The following link will take you to CoB Dean Doty's presentation for the Dean's job at South Florida: Doty at USF Just click on the link below Doty's information. This thing is full of lies about things Doty has done at USM and shows inconsistencies with his actual activities and what he is telling USF he does. For instance: At approximately the 5:00 mark, Doty discusses shared governance and how important shared governance is to him. Contrast this with his one-man driven Digital MBA that he is ramming down the collective CoB throat. In fact, at approximately the 5:25 mark, Doty exclaims that he is a big believer in faculty votes, yet he is spending big bucks for a program and demanding faculty work for a program that has yet to be voted on by the faculty. At approximately the 5:45 mark, he discusses "transparency and fairness" and his belief in both. However, there are a large number of faculty in the COB who have gotten "black box" evaluations. One faculty member has repeatedly asked Doty for specific things that faculty member could do to become a better teacher, and Doty has refused to tell him. Friends of Doty get raises and opponents do not, regardless of teaching, research, and service contributions. Also, ask the CoB staffers about their new evaluation system. At approximately the 10:45 mark, Doty mentions his goal (for USF) of being a top 50 business school. Sounds a lot like the "Road to 100" plan he has for USM's CoB. Apparently all he knows is the style of accomplishment and nothing about the substance. At approximately the 19:15 mark, Doty perpetuates an egregious lie. He discusses how he was unwilling to kill the Real Estate major in the CoB. This summer, Doty personally made the uninformed decision to kill the Real Estate major in the CoB. I personally watched as an untenured junior faculty member defended that program. This junior person had to stand up to Doty, show Doty why it was wrong to kill the major, and convince others to help him in the matter. Doty reluctantly changed his mind only after being proven wrong in a public forum. There are many in the CoB who know the real can just ask people you know in the college. I saw this part, and it turned my stomach. Doty will tell anybody anything to get what he wants. He has lied to his USM faculty. Now he's caught on tape lying to USF faculty as he pursues their dean's job. Wake up, USM. Doty is just Shelby with a little less experience at being an administrator. However, he is just as much of a jerk and a fabricator.

I think anyone who wants to could ask Carter or Posey about the real estate issue.  The truth should be told.


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That's probably the most insulting thing I've heard from Doty, and that's saying a lot. I knew about some of those things, but the whole presentation is a joke. That guy looks bad in comparison to the UNCC dean.


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Let me get this straight:

1. Doty has proposed an online MBA.
2. Doty has held zero faculty-wide CoB votes on this program.
3. Doty told his faculty that their input was essentially unnecessary.
4. Doty has purchased equipment for this program.
5. Doty claims to be a supporter of shared governance?
6. Doty claims to be a supporter of faculty votes?

Smoking Management

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Hubert wrote:

Let me get this straight:

1. Doty has proposed an online MBA.
2. Doty has held zero faculty-wide CoB votes on this program.
3. Doty told his faculty that their input was essentially unnecessary.
4. Doty has purchased equipment for this program.
5. Doty claims to be a supporter of shared governance?
6. Doty claims to be a supporter of faculty votes?

Correct all 6 times. It is difficult to recall Doty being correct 6 times since his arrival.


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Based on discussions in the CoB halls, Doty appears to have taken several positions with different people on this issue during the recent past. First position - a vote on the new DUMBA (what most are calling the DMBA in the CoB) is not required because the faculty has already voted to approve a 'hybrid' MBA at some point in the past. Second position - a vote will be taken by the CoB graduate programs committee and the Cob faculty, but the DUMBA program will be sent to the graduate council even if voted down by both the committee and the faculty (stated by the Dean at the CoB graduate programs committee meeting). Third position - there will be no vote if it looks like the vote will fail. While all different, none of these positions demonstrate a genuine commitment to faculty governance. And, this does not even address the mysterious ad hoc committee meeting (who is on it and did they vote on anything) which is apparently being used to justify the purchase of equipment and moving forward with the program. This is a textbook example of hypocrisy and how NOT to get buy-in for something new. Pretty sad for a 'management' professor.

And the horse you rode in on

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Since Doty cannot consider stepping back to a chair's position somewhere, when no college hires Doty, how long before he is removed?

The faculty in the CoB like a joke as well as anyone else, but we are tired of being forced to live with one.

Pollied Anna

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Please tell me that what happens to Pood and happens to Doty will also happen to Pierce. Tell me that Pierce will NOT get compensated with the much balleyhooed position at Delta State.


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I dont think anything new should be done in the COB.

I understand they have even replaced the chalkboards with updated whiteboards.

Even the air conditioning that has been in place since the 60's is going to be updated. How can they be expected to keep the education as it always has been when they expect the faculty to try something new.

COB Innovator

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smiles wrote:

I dont think anything new should be done in the COB. I understand they have even replaced the chalkboards with updated whiteboards. Even the air conditioning that has been in place since the 60's is going to be updated. How can they be expected to keep the education as it always has been when they expect the faculty to try something new.

Please don't paint all of us by the simpletons who post on this site.  Most of us have even moved from quills and inkwells to ball point pens.  Believe it or not, some of the real radicals in the college already teach online courses!

Larry Legend

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smiles wrote:

I dont think anything new should be done in the COB.
I understand they have even replaced the chalkboards with updated whiteboards.
Even the air conditioning that has been in place since the 60's is going to be updated. How can they be expected to keep the education as it always has been when they expect the faculty to try something new.

It's not about change or even technology, really. This is a new program that hasn't been passed through faculty channels properly.

If this is the best defense you can muster, then you're done.


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"I was unwilling to cancel the major.."



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What? wrote:

"I was unwilling to cancel the major.." Unbelievable.

His revisionist story back at USM for this statement would be that by saying he wanted to cut the major he leveraged the result he really wanted, a leaner major, from his RE faculty.  He bluffed his way to a result he wanted.  Strategy.  Yes, that's it.  That's the story.

Mentors from the underworld

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What a shame to see an assistant professor so manipulated by those with nothing to lose.

Tired off it all

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Watch as those who want to be the next dean continue to jockey for position in the College. It should be quite a show. So much effort for so very little.

Lightbulbs on

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Sh!t, is that what this is all about?

Catalogue It!

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Can this video be uploaded onto the COB site as its first digital lecture (Biz School Admin 099)?

who dat?

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Did I hear him correctly?  Did he basically say that he had some idea that even brain dead people would be for but the faculty in the CoB were unwilling to embrace it?  Wow!  I also like his account of how he tricked the CoB faculty into cutting their majors to 18 hours.

He's basically telling the USF faculty that he's deaning over a bunch of yahoos at USM and he would like to be down in Tampa instead.  His story is also remarkably similar to Pood's at Ball State --- he's been trying to get on with USF over the years.  I expect the outcome here to be the same.  No go.

The One Man Gang

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One interesting statement Doty made in that video was how he didn't believe in building a consensus. Doty's got the vast majority of his faculty against him on virtually everything now. He couldn't get a consensus in his favor on any topic in the CoB. What's amazing is how poor his presentation skills are for somebody who is too good for USM...his crass style will doom him to a life as only normal professor in Hattiesburg once his dean's job gets pulled.



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Cullen was good.


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for so many people who want to get rid of Doty, if you would just not say anything he might get a job elsewhere and be gone.

The One Man Gang

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Yes, but Doty will still go off and make amateur presentations that belittle his current faculty. Other faculties see this as a bad sign from a weak dean candidate...they wonder how he will treat them if he's willing to show so much contempt for his current faculty.

Believe me, there are many CoB faculty who could have nixed Doty job searches; these people have held their tongues in hopes of dumping that bum.


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"He's basically telling the USF faculty that he's deaning over a bunch of yahoos at USM and he would like to be down in Tampa instead. His story is also remarkably similar to Pood's at Ball State."

Same story Thames tells. But when faculty have input, the truth will out.

Isn't It Ironic

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The very technology Doty is wasting resources on and stuffing down our throats is revealing for the permenant record what a jerk this guy is. 

On another note, our MBA is in such bad shape and has been for a long time, we should really close up shop on it and try to enhance our undergrad program and make this shine.  Most of our MBAs are fifth year seniors and won't be able to find decent employment when they are done, just ask them.    

The One Man Gang

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According to Doty, however, one MUST use technology in the classroom to be an effective teacher, or at least that's one of the signs he looks for in effective teachers. Evals don't count. Past teaching awards don't count. Technology is the only answer...yeah, that's the ticket.


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wondering wrote:

for so many people who want to get rid of Doty, if you would just not say anything he might get a job elsewhere and be gone.

I sympathize with this thought.  I just think that his only hope of leaving is through a normal faculty position, or perhaps a chair, not as Dean.  He doesn't seem willing to face that reality yet, so the failed searches will continue, board or no board.

At the same time, he's looking more and more like his own boss everyday.  This secret ad hoc committee ploy is an all new low for him. 

Musical Chairs

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W-TOO wrote:

wondering wrote: for so many people who want to get rid of Doty, if you would just not say anything he might get a job elsewhere and be gone. I sympathize with this thought.  I just think that his only hope of leaving is through a normal faculty position, or perhaps a chair, not as Dean.  He doesn't seem willing to face that reality yet, so the failed searches will continue, board or no board. At the same time, he's looking more and more like his own boss everyday.  This secret ad hoc committee ploy is an all new low for him. 

I personally do not think Doty would even make a good chair. Remember a few chairs have way too much power on this campus and are wrecking programs as quickly as she can.

COB Legacies

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Dean Greene Legacy:  Led the CoB for a long period.  Today's current crop of private sector donors give because of their love for Greene.  That speaks volumes. 

Dean Black Legacy: Made many positive strides in shaping the research culture in the College.  Led to success in AACSB, along with separate AACSB accreditation for accounting.  That was a first. 

Dean Gunther Legacy: Made private fundraising a priority, and ultimately provided USM with the largest single day of external giving in the institution's almost 100 year history (i.e., the Carlisle-Gunther press conference near the end of Gunther's term).

These are fine legacies all . . .

Dean Doty Legacy: Used secret ad hoc committee to institute new digital masters program that everyone opposed.

Digital Ashes in a Digital Urn

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Will the diploma be digital as well?

Some I'm sure are glad to have gotten their digital a$$es out of digital Dodge.


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