Application letter. Pay attention to second (or third) para where he basically says USF is to him as Ball State is to Pood (been pining away for 15 years).
It's a problem when you have so many deans who have (1) tried to leave and (2) are still trying. Then consider how many deans and faculty have already left. Kinda sums it all up, doesn't it?
Is it just me, or is Doty's vita more than a little misleading? He doesn't have a "refereed publications" section, but rather a "selected research papers" section, which includes presentations, working papers, publications, book chapters (refereed and non-refereed), etc.
It kind of makes his research look a little more impressive than it actually is.
Is it just me, or is Doty's vita more than a little misleading? He doesn't have a "refereed publications" section, but rather a "selected research papers" section, which includes presentations, working papers, publications, book chapters (refereed and non-refereed), etc. It kind of makes his research look a little more impressive than it actually is.
How dare you question the particulars of a vita! Have you learned nothing? The Dvorak Rule allows one to exercise artistic license when presenting real and embellished data for the purpose of career advancement. Ars gratia artis.
Folks--It has become very apparent (as others have said) that the situation at USM is known throughout the academic world. Those deans are permanently stained.
Last off the boat wrote: Folks--It has become very apparent (as others have said) that the situation at USM is known throughout the academic world. Those deans are permanently stained.
Last off the boat is right on the money with this one. Being a dean at USM is not now a career-maker. The stain may wear off in a few years, but USM's upper administration is held is such low regard that the current deans should get ready for the long haul here. The way for them to get out is to make tangible positive accomplishments at USM so they can say that they were successful despite the various problems here. Some, not all, of the current deans are certainly capable of doing good.
This was definitely the problem with the provost search at Ball State. A buddy of mine there told me that the faculty and the deans found all three candidates strikingly unqualified for the position. That's why the prez restarted the search.
Yes, being one of the Replacement Deans is no key to success anywhere outside of the USM community. Hats off to Bolton and Wallace though for moving on up to "better" positions at UNC - Greensboro. The cream does rise to the top.
Pood and Doty, what were you all thinking? Welcome to your nightmare!!!
what were you all thinking? Welcome to your nightmare!!!
Could it be that they were thinking they could put in a brief stint at Southern Miss and use it as a stepping stone to bigger and better things? I reckon that strategy is not very feasible. The former deans put in years of dedicated service and built up a great deal of trust and respect from their faculty. Such loyalty can't be built by dealing with faculty members in a "full steam ahead damn the torpedos" manner. Under these deplorable circumstances I'm sure grateful that I'm not serving a lifetime sentence here (although at times I, like Martha Stewart, do feel like I'm under "house arrest.").
Under these deplorable circumstances I'm sure grateful that I'm not serving a lifetime sentence here (although at times I, like Martha Stewart, do feel like I'm under "house arrest.").
Yes, being one of the Replacement Deans is no key to success anywhere outside of the USM community. Hats off to Bolton and Wallace though for moving on up to "better" positions at UNC - Greensboro. The cream does rise to the top. Pood and Doty, what were you all thinking? Welcome to your nightmare!!!
Yep. And notice who was first off? Folks like Martray. Followed shortly thereafter by Stringer.
Fair Weather Friends wrote: Interesting TW, kind of a "what have you done for me lately" statement, wouldn't you agree?
I didn't take it that way. It seems that SFT hired people like him -- self-absorbed, arrogant, inexperienced wannabe administrators -- and those people have clashed with him as their agendas were damaged by his. AFAIK, there are few good administrators on the USM campus because they all are looking out for themselves.
A number of people in this thread seem to forget that Doty has tried to stand up to the onslaught of Thames and his cronies. According to what we saw in the papers last spring he helped keep the COB from going the Phoenix Online route and was publicly pushing for keeping up standards in the COB.
Maybe the quantity of articles in his vita is not up to what some faculty do, but quantity should not be the sole criterion. Pushing numbers sounds like something the Thames groups does, the quality of publication and its impact on knowledge seems more worthy.
Maybe the quantity of articles in his vita is not up to what some faculty do, but quantity should not be the sole criterion . . the quality of publication and its impact on knowledge seems more worthy.
From what I can determine, USM has always been interested only in numbers and not quality. That applies to tenure, promotion, and merit raises. Raise the student body population to 20,000 regardless of the quality. Tenure and promote even if the articles are trash.
localguy wrote: A number of people in this thread seem to forget that Doty has tried to stand up to the onslaught of Thames and his cronies. According to what we saw in the papers last spring he helped keep the COB from going the Phoenix Online route and was publicly pushing for keeping up standards in the COB.
Maybe the quantity of articles in his vita is not up to what some faculty do, but quantity should not be the sole criterion. Pushing numbers sounds like something the Thames groups does, the quality of publication and its impact on knowledge seems more worthy.
One more time:
Doty "stood up" to Thames and Grimes ONLY because it was the best thing to do for HIS career.
If the best thing to do for his career was to agree with Thames and Grimes, then he would have taken their side.
In this instance, his needs were aligned with the "right" side of the argument. On many other issues, Doty's personal agenda has put him at odds with faculty governance and with his faculty.
Osama Yo Mamma wrote:Doty "stood up" to Thames and Grimes ONLY because it was the best thing to do for HIS career.
Hmmm... Interesting assertion. It seems to me that an administrator who is an "at will" employee is probably never doing the "best thing for his career" when he bucks the boss on a major issue.
If the best thing to do for his career was to agree with Thames and Grimes, then he would have taken their side..
I suspect that Doty must have had some sort of "outside" protection on that particular issue, or Thames & Grimes could indeed have allowed him to enjoy the "tenured faculty parachute" in his contract.
In this instance, his needs were aligned with the "right" side of the argument. On many other issues, Doty's personal agenda has put him at odds with faculty governance and with his faculty.
Please enumerate the "many other issues." Put your money where your mouth is & provide specifics.
If your beef is that Doty is a self promoter, please assure us that b-school faculty do not preach that as a virtue to their students.
AND one more time yourself, Osama Ben Rounda This Corner Before, asserting falsehoods on the message board, repeating them often, and then referencing them does NOT make them true. College of Business administrators have had enemies since before Doty got here; they haven't become less vindictive with time.
1. Doty "stood up" to Thames and Grimes ONLY because it was the best thing to do for HIS career.
Doty wants out of USM and has been in the job market since his arrival. If you doubt it, then ask a CoBer. Imagine trying to get another dean's job when you are wearing the title of "the guy who let USM's business school stop doing real research." Doty had no other choice but to "buck the boss." By the way, if the boss says "Break a law," do you do it? It's good for a middle manager NOT to buck the boss and cook the company's books (e.g., Enron)?
2. If the best thing to do for his career was to agree with Thames and Grimes, then he would have taken their side..
Your assertion is probably correct. He is a tenured professor. Thames regrets that he granted Doty tenure when he was hired. But what was Doty to do? Again, if he allowed Grimes' memo to stand, he would be branded as the dean who allowed USM's CoB to abandon basic research. Who would want to hire him with that rep?
3. In this instance, his needs were aligned with the "right" side of the argument. On many other issues, Doty's personal agenda has put him at odds with faculty governance and with his faculty.
You want a list?
How about his plan for an online MBA program? The CoB faculty is staunchly against the proposal, yet he continues to push this agenda. Looks like he really doesn't mind being the new long as he is the one to propose it.
How about pushing for a nine-hour major with a very general course requirement? The faculty is against this, yet he continues to push for a decrease in the hours required for a major in the CoB.
How about his insistence that the CoB not follow Thames' directive to follow the IHL 124-hour degree plan by demanding that the college require a 120-hour plan? That's right! Thames and Grimes have told Doty to get a 124-hour plan, yet he refuses.
That's just 3. There are many more.
My husband works in the CoB, so I know firsthand what kind of goofy stuff Doty pulls on a regular basis. You non-CoBers hold him up like he's a hero, but you don't know half the story. I could have listed 10 mor things that Doty has done to make his vita better, regardless of whether it helped students or whether it was done on the backs of a resistant faculty.
You wanted examples? There they are. Doty doesn't care about faculty-driven processes. He cares about changing everything so his vita will show that he gets things done. I'm not too sure that more than 10% of the CoB faculty would give him a positive truthful reference.
Aged Arguments wrote: Osama Yo Mamma wrote: One more time: AND one more time yourself, Osama Ben Rounda This Corner Before, asserting falsehoods on the message board, repeating them often, and then referencing them does NOT make them true. College of Business administrators have had enemies since before Doty got here; they haven't become less vindictive with time.
Provide evidence that Doty does not bully faculty, force issues against faculty wishes, and acts like a vindictive child when he doesn't get his way, or shut up. You are either Doty, his wife, one of his lackeys, or a non-CoBer. Whichever you are, your opinion is tainted by greed or ignorance or both.
By continuing to seek Dean posts and failing, Doty is a walking advertisement for non-marketability. Perhaps he and the other Deans at USM are tainted now. But, Doty's job searches are public and surely Thames knows about each and every one as soon as we do. Thames' retaliation must surely be beastly. I have heard that Thames "opens up a can" on Doty twice a week or so. These failed Dean's searches Doty is conducting are almost massochistic (sic?). They are also a reminder for Thames that Doty ain't going nowhere.
Maybe that's Gandy's and or Fos' approach. Why search when you'll fail anyway, and SFT will find out about it and meet you out on the prison courtyard with his posse.
Didn't somebody say last week that the only hope for these guys to take a teaching job somewhere and start over? Or how about going into industry? How old is Doty?
Third Witch wrote: Didn't somebody say last week that the only hope for these guys to take a teaching job somewhere and start over? Or how about going into industry? How old is Doty?
I believe he was 42 when he got the Dean's job, so he would be about 45 now.
At this point, he should just now be thinking about Department Head's jobs, much less Dean's jobs. Doty is a classic case of "too much too fast."
It's a problem when you have so many deans who have (1) tried to leave and (2) are still trying.
It is my understanding that all three of the deans hired during the current administration's first year in office have actually interviewed for a position elsewhere.....