I will actually be there (yes, it won't be your eyes playing tricks!) Can't wait to see this. Hey, I even bought a USM shirt. The lesson here is that anything is possible.
Oh, lighten up, LVN. Especially in the academic world, neologisms are permitted, yea encouraged, particularly when they can achieve a satirical objective. I submit that "coronate" expresses something here that "crown" could never begin to do. Echoing Churchill, this is the kind of pedantry up with which we shall not put.
Actually, "coronate" isn't a neologism as much as a back formation from "coronation." To use this back formation when a long-standing word already exists can be like fingernails on a chalkboard to the hyperliterate. "Coronate" isn't as aggravating as--aie!-- "analization," but it could arguably take the edge off the satire, since a satirist must demonstrate linguistic mastery.
But as to the coronee, I am very pleased that Erin Lambert was recognized. She is a lovely person and a fine student.
Jameela Lares wrote: But as to the coronee, I am very pleased that Erin Lambert was recognized. She is a lovely person and a fine student.
This little line, Jameela, actually puts a lot of the arguments tossed around by the anti-faculty faction on its ear. My experience has been that faculty (at every institution where I've studied or worked, at least) tend to be proud of "their" students when the students are honored socially or do well in sports or other activities.
But to return to the topic of this thread, did the fraternities serve a lot of Corona after the game?
Jameela Lares wrote: Actually, "coronate" isn't a neologism as much as a back formation
Well, a neologism created through back formation, served with a hefty dollop of sarcasm (the essential ingredient missing from the "standard" words). I herewith coronate you and LVN co-queens of cheerless pedantry--and yes, Invictus, using Corona in whatever creative way we like for the ceremony.
Well, I may be in the minority, but I appreciate the pedantry, cheerless or otherwise. Where else can one learn about back-formed neologisms on a Sunday morning?
Voter wrote: I herewith coronate you and LVN co-queens of cheerless pedantry--and yes, Invictus, using Corona in whatever creative way we like for the ceremony.
LVN and Jameela "cheerless?" Hardly. Both are perpetual sources of uplift. (My apologies if "uplift" is being used incorrectly here, but I couldn't think of anything better.)
My original comment about "coronate" refers to several discussions on this issue which have been held heretofore on this board. It was slightly tongue-in-cheek, but that tone didn't come across. As for being a cheerless pedant, well all I can say is I did jump up and cheer at several appropriate points during the game. And for me, recognizing an "appropriate point" is no mean feat. Actually, jumping up is no mean feat. A fun time was had by all!
Silver Surfer wrote: From www.dictionary.reference.com:
v : invest with regal power; enthrone
So noted. Nevertheless, the multi-volume Oxford English Dictionary, the most extensive dictionary in English, lists its use as rare, though going back to the seventeeth century:
trans[itive verb]. To crown. (See also CORONATED.) 1623 in COCKERAM II. 1657 TOMLINSON Renou's Disp. Ded., Instead of Coronating your deserved Worth. 1707 SLOANE Jamaica I. 163 A round purplish knob..coronated by a long membrane. 1847 Tait's Mag. XIV. 487 It was coronated by an aristocracy dispensing clerical patronage on religious principles. (Second edition, 1989)
The usages listed under CORONATED were mostly botanical, though of the same vintage.
Those who want to label me a "cheerless pedant" should note that actually I am an unusually merry pedant.
Googler wrote: As Dean Wormer might say, fat, coronated, and stupid is no way to go through life.
Many moons ago, one Fred Horne hung a big sign on the side of Forrest County Hall: "Are drunken parties & football really how we should celebrate Homecoming?" Underneath it, someone had placed a smaller sign: "Hell, yes!"
Let's not forget that Blutarsky wound up being coronated as a U.S. Senator.
[On the trivia side of things, John Vernon (the actor who played Vernon Wormer) is also the guy who played the mayor in Dirty Harry. The roles are almost interchangeable, except the mayor was probably funnier than the dean.]
Why do posters on this board make frequent reference to Thames' physical appearance? Does it make one feel better when he degrades someone else? Should we also make fun of the cripple,the ugly,the folks locked inside themselves?
Ticket to tonight's Homecoming game: $10 Concessions for the family: $15 Watching Shelby Thames coronate another Homecoming Queen who's at least a foot and a half taller than he: Priceless! SFT must have coronated the Queen, because he didn't crown her . He didn't even appear in the photo : http://www.studentprintz.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/10/18/435459ea82cac
Why do we make fun of ST's appearance? Because he himself is fixated on appearance, or have you not heard of the infamous 50/150 rule he used for female associates (under 50/ under 150). Preferably blond. If he had a true handicap, I doubt that anyone would make fun of it.