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Once again our government - state, federal, and university - fails its employees. Apalling that they are expected to work but nothing is done to assist them to live.
Angeline, I usually agree with you and you've been one of my favorite posters. I disagree this time that the federal or state government have "failed" these folks. This is an event nobody could have adequately prepared for. I DO think the university has failed them in expecting homeless people to report for work. Does anyone understand what the reasoning on this was? (Note huge assumption made in last sentence.)
I DO think the university has failed them in expecting homeless people to report for work. Does anyone understand what the reasoning on this was? (Note huge assumption made in last sentence.)
I think the reasoning (if any) was enrollment enrollment enrollment. Very little else matters (like where faculty will live) to this regime. (Well, the concern for grant money is up there, but I'd still argue that enrollment is king.)
I DO think the university has failed them in expecting homeless people to report for work. Does anyone understand what the reasoning on this was? (Note huge assumption made in last sentence.)
My Allstate adjuster came today to evaluate the damage to my house. He is from Gulfport, and his house was flooded. He and his family are living in a house on concrete floors with wallboard torn out and no furniture. My point is many people must work under terrible circumstances if we are going to pull ourselves out of this mess.
LeftASAP wrote: Little old lady wrote: My Allstate adjuster came today to evaluate the damage to my house. He is from Gulfport, and his house was flooded. He and his family are living in a house on concrete floors with wallboard torn out and no furniture. My point is many people must work under terrible circumstances if we are going to pull ourselves out of this mess.
Things are indeed tough all around, but it is a very good thing that the coast campus has been able to reconstitute itself. My colleagues on the coast have noted that their classes are surprisingly full. They've got their shoulders to the wheel and are making due under difficult circumstances. I commend their professionalism and devotion to their students, the community, and the university.
qwerty and Left, good points both. I am also in a place where we have to show up, regardless. I didn't get the impression that the U. was as concerned about faculty/staff as it was about re-opening. Maybe I'm being unfair. I'll withdraw the comment for now.
I ran into a managment guy from Chevron Pasgagoula a few weeks back and I jokingly asked about how soon the refinery would be up and running, since the plant produces about 5 percent of the gasoline consumed in the USA, gas was bumping up around 3.25 a gallon and there were repeated rumors of shortages, etc.. His answer really brought me up short: "We can't even think about that yet. Our number one priority is to take care of our people." He then went on to describe how Chevorn was setting up a trialer park for unhoused employees eve nas we spoke.
coast watcher wrote: I ran into a managment guy from Chevron Pasgagoula a few weeks back and I jokingly asked about how soon the refinery would be up and running, since the plant produces about 5 percent of the gasoline consumed in the USA, gas was bumping up around 3.25 a gallon and there were repeated rumors of shortages, etc.. His answer really brought me up short: "We can't even think about that yet. Our number one priority is to take care of our people." He then went on to describe how Chevorn was setting up a trialer park for unhoused employees eve nas we spoke.
Man, mark a red letter date on your calendar. That's management that understands management. If they don't take care of their people, they won't be able to get the plant up & running.
Unrelated note: CW, did you take high school typing from the same teacher as Stephen Judd?
LeftASAP wrote: My Allstate adjuster came today to evaluate the damage to my house. He is from Gulfport, and his house was flooded. He and his family are living in a house on concrete floors with wallboard torn out and no furniture. My point is many people must work under terrible circumstances if we are going to pull ourselves out of this mess.
Your Allstate agent has my sympathies, but there is a real difference between doing without furnishings and being homeless.
The coast faculty and staff situation is disturbing and should be intolerable to our administration. How can anyone be expected to work without an office, living out of who knows where, using port a potties and then NOT going home EVER? Why are our USM faculty and staff not considered essential by FEMA qualifications, meaning priority housing? With the zillions of dollars being funneled into recovery both from public and private sources, couldn't just some of this money be used for our educators? I am stunned that we opened classes under these conditions (not really, what would our enrollment have been otherwise???)...do we need to write letters?
Does anyone have contacts at Gulf Park, what is situation there, is it as bad as we THINK it is? How can any of us in Hattiesburg help, this handwringing is getting old.
The coast faculty and staff situation is disturbing and should be intolerable to our administration. How can anyone be expected to work without an office, living out of who knows where, using port a potties and then NOT going home EVER? Why are our USM faculty and staff not considered essential by FEMA qualifications, meaning priority housing? With the zillions of dollars being funneled into recovery both from public and private sources, couldn't just some of this money be used for our educators? I am stunned that we opened classes under these conditions (not really, what would our enrollment have been otherwise???)...do we need to write letters? Does anyone have contacts at Gulf Park, what is situation there, is it as bad as we THINK it is? How can any of us in Hattiesburg help, this handwringing is getting old.
I'm actually a professor at USM gulf coast and I am currently commuting from about 2hrs away to teach classes. I lost my entire home--nothing was left but rubble. Many other colleagues lost homes as well. Our campus was destroyed and my biggest problem is that no one is talking about rebuilding it at all. We are left completely in the dark about what the future of our campus will be. It is very frustrating to work under these conditions, but I am forging ahead as my livelihood depends on it. BTW GC employees are supposedly considered "essential persons" but i still have not moved into a FEMA trailer yet.
There is no correct answer to this question. Whatever decision was made would have some people upset. For instance, a headline that says, "USM Gulf Coast faculty will not be teaching this semester due to the hurricane, they will continue to receive their salary until they go back for the second semester", would draw immense criticism. The sad part of this is that the situation probably was handled with the same sympathy and consideration that characterizes this administration. We all hope that the situation improves quickly for our Coast faculty and over time it will. The reality of this disaster is that it takes six months to a year to build a new house based on my casual empiricism from observing houses going up in my neighborhood. Even modular homes take time to prepare the site. The stories of driving two hours or more will be a reality for at least the rest of this school year for many Coast faculty. Any assistance or accommodation that the University can give them to reduce their burdens while carrying on with classes should be forth coming.
There is no correct answer to this question. Whatever decision was made would have some people upset. For instance, a headline that says, "USM Gulf Coast faculty will not be teaching this semester due to the hurricane, they will continue to receive their salary until they go back for the second semester", would draw immense criticism.
Or, worse yet, imagine the one that says, "Emergency measures forced the university to lay off coast faculty because the campus where they once taught no longer exists." I think the administration did a poor job of handling Katrina-related communication. I think it did a poor job of showing compassion for its faculty and staff. However, I think it made the right decision to offer coast classes and keep its people on the payroll. The unimaginable alternative was probably a real consideration.
the unimaginable alternative became reality for many faculty at Dillard and Xavier in New Orleans.
there have been very preliminary discussions about the gulf coast campus, but much can't be decided until USM hears about their insurance (yes, the gulf coast campus had flood insurance) and from FEMA. some have mentioned moving the campus closer to I-10 and to a more centralized location on the coast (discussed on this board in the past), but there is a fear that a universities center will be created. the coast legislator whose district includes the gulf coast campus (Peresich??) wants it to be rebuilt at its current location.
Just another FEMA horror story -- but on the micro level that might be of interest to those who are without housing. Like most folks our extended family went through the FEMA inspection process. Just a few days ago -- what a month after the inspections -- a relative who was long since back in a home that had received little damage at all received a phone call from FEMA. Their trailer was ready and the good folks at FEMA wanted to know where they should deliver it. Needless to say the FEMA folks got an earful. It demonstrates that their monumental incompetence continues. Here an unscathed home has to turn down a trailer, while many with no home at all have heard nothing!
My sympathies, however, only go so far. Mississippians go overwhelmingly for a political ideology that hates government, that hates the idea of the commonweal, that hates the idea of paying for something that might benefit the broader public. And now all you can do is complain about how the Federal governement isn't helping you. Well, well, well. Isn't that something.
I live in another conservative southern state, and I'm telling you now that folks here see no reason to rebuild a city below sea level or fork over a bunch of money to fools who lived in sight of the water but were either too cheap or stupid to buy flood insurance. Hey, the free market will take care it. Most of the folks I know--good solid Baptists and Republicans--hold the view that those who planned for the very predictable risk don't need help, and those who didn't plan for the risk aren't entitled to it.
There's lots of interest on the part of the Federal government to help Mississippi and Louisiana right now, but in time that will fade. You are on your own. But you already know that, I'm sure.
Or, worse yet, imagine the one that says, "Emergency measures forced the university to lay off coast faculty because the campus where they once taught no longer exists." I think the administration did a poor job of handling Katrina-related communication. I think it did a poor job of showing compassion for its faculty and staff. However, I think it made the right decision to offer coast classes and keep its people on the payroll. The unimaginable alternative was probably a real consideration.
Don't get me wrong, I am completely grateful that I still have a job and that the coast campus was able to get back up and running as quickly as it was. However, many insensitive decisions were made by the administration and you're right, they did a very poor job of showing compassion for us. There was no mention of the horror that we were facing on the main USM website, no words of sympathy or public offers of help. I just now read that Hattiesburg has been sending staff down to help those of us who lost our homes dig out stuff, etc., but no mention was ever made of this to anyone that I know who may have needed help. All I'm saying is that someone could have organized a list of faculty/staff who lost homes and/or needed help and maybe put together an email list so that everyone could benefit from such efforts. I only just happened to stumble upon this message board after googling USM gulf coast just to see if SOMETHING was out there. It's just sad. And the irony is that I was recently hired and went to several new faculty meetings where a large focus was placed on how important the gulf coast campus is to USM and how they want to expand and make it a true dual campus system blah blah blah. However, it seems as soon as the beautiful beachfront campus was destroyed, the whole dual campus idea went out the window. Doesn't it make sense to keep thinking along those lines and rebuild a bigger and better coast campus that is more fully integrated with both USM and the surrounding communities? Moving the campus north of I-10? Why would I even bother? We might as well just all be in Hattiesburg if that's how it's going to be.
here have been very preliminary discussions about the gulf coast campus, but much can't be decided until USM hears about their insurance (yes, the gulf coast campus had flood insurance) and from FEMA. some have mentioned moving the campus closer to I-10 and to a more centralized location on the coast (discussed on this board in the past), but there is a fear that a universities center will be created. the coast legislator whose district includes the gulf coast campus (Peresich??) wants it to be rebuilt at its current location.
I too have heard that there was some political pressure to rebuild the Coast campus on the same site. Given the situation, I think it is a bad idea. First is the accessibility issue. Because the current location is on US 90, it makes the commute for students and many faculty much longer than if the campus were located close to I 10. A campus on the Interstate would reduce the pressure to have multi sites on the Coast. Second, selling the property would generate some serious cash to use for new buildings on property already owned by the University just off I 10. With the fiscal beating that the State will take over the next year, it is hard to see the legislature coming up with the money to rebuild in Long Beach when there is this desirable alternative. Third, it is in the interest of Long Beach to have the property moved from the tax-free rolls onto the taxed rolls. The real estate tax revenues on that property, if it is converted to residential (condos) or business (hotel or casino) would be considerable. Perhaps others can come up with justification for rebuilding at the Long Beach site that would offset the positive reasons to move it to I 10. I cannot think of any at the moment
My position remains the same as it did before Katrina.
A Universities Center Concept, possibly on I-10 at the Woolmarket exit, with multiple public and private institutions from across the nation, delievering needed programs, based on valid needs assessments, to a new and rebuilding Gulf Coast.
Sell the present GP Campus to developers for high rise condos. I advocated this prior to K.
It makes more sense now than it did before Karina. USM is on the ropes, can not cope with its own recovery and other issues, and needs to concentrate on the Burg.
It is time to examine this concept. There are many more ways to deliver higher education than we are presently considering.
everything i have heard so far (and it's very preliminary talk) is that USM would not be adverse to moving to I-10 (but note my comment about the local political issue) but would not want a universities center. they see the coast as USM territory.
My position remains the same as it did before Katrina. A Universities Center Concept, possibly on I-10 at the Woolmarket exit, with multiple public and private institutions from across the nation, delievering needed programs, based on valid needs assessments, to a new and rebuilding Gulf Coast. Sell the present GP Campus to developers for high rise condos. I advocated this prior to K. It makes more sense now than it did before Karina. USM is on the ropes, can not cope with its own recovery and other issues, and needs to concentrate on the Burg. It is time to examine this concept. There are many more ways to deliver higher education than we are presently considering. IT'S TIME!
That's a horrible idea. Why should we be forced to give up our beautiful campus to high-rise condos? I suppose you advocate capitalism as opposed to community and neighborhoods for our children to grow up in, learn in, and raise their own families in. And what's this about concentrating on USM Hattiesburg to the exclusion of all else? I was hired into a university system that promised growth and expansion, with new programs on the coast and the development of a true dual campus system. That type of planning would benefit our students as well as our community. I personally believe that you are only thinking of money and not what's in the best interest of everyone on the coast.
usm had its chances on the coast. it never met our needs and does not deserve to be a part of "THE NEW COAST" and the extraordinary progress that will take place over the new 2-3 years.
we are ready for something new. something that will meet our needs. we don't need crumbs. we need new and innovative deleivery of higher ed offerings.
That's a horrible idea. Why should we be forced to give up our beautiful campus to high-rise condos? I suppose you advocate capitalism as opposed to community and neighborhoods for our children to grow up in, learn in, and raise their own families in. And what's this about concentrating on USM Hattiesburg to the exclusion of all else? I was hired into a university system that promised growth and expansion, with new programs on the coast and the development of a true dual campus system. That type of planning would benefit our students as well as our community. I personally believe that you are only thinking of money and not what's in the best interest of everyone on the coast.
First, the we you refer to is not the owner of the campus so it is not yours to give up or keep. Second, high-rise condos will pay for the land and the State will then have the money to build buildings without using tax dollars paid by the citizens of Mississippi. Third, access is a crucial issue for evening and night students. Long Beach is not nearly as accessible as a campus right off I 10. Last, it is capitalism that will supply the tax revenues to rebuild and expand campuses. The communities and neighborhoods your children grow up in are because of capitalism. So the answer is yes I not only advocate capitalism, I understand that it is the only economic system that creates not only the level of wealth we enjoy, but also the distribution of wealth that allows hard work to be rewarded and sloth to not be rewarded.
Constructing a new hurricane-prone waterfront campus on the coast with taxpayers' money is unthinkable. There are more suitable locations nearby. A casino and other private enterprises can do that if it's all right with their shareholders. You can build a private residence or condo adjacent to the water. You can even build a private university in such a precarious location, or a restaurant, or a shopping mall. But don't risk public funds on such a foolish gamble given the long range weather predictions. That would be like constructing the university out of straw.
Good point, BBW. A whole new hurricane season starts in June. (I'm amazed at some of the "rebuilding" mania, especially in New Orleans and in places near the beach. As far as I'm concerned, I'm too close to the water now and have too many pine trees looming over me, here in the Burg.)
First, the we you refer to is not the owner of the campus so it is not yours to give up or keep. Second, high-rise condos will pay for the land and the State will then have the money to build buildings without using tax dollars paid by the citizens of Mississippi. Third, access is a crucial issue for evening and night students. Long Beach is not nearly as accessible as a campus right off I 10. Last, it is capitalism that will supply the tax revenues to rebuild and expand campuses. The communities and neighborhoods your children grow up in are because of capitalism. So the answer is yes I not only advocate capitalism, I understand that it is the only economic system that creates not only the level of wealth we enjoy, but also the distribution of wealth that allows hard work to be rewarded and sloth to not be rewarded.
Actually, the "we" I'm referring to are the faculty and staff of the USM coast campus, many of whom I know would be personally devastated if the campus were not rebuilt in its current location. Also, I believe that I am one of those Mississippi tax payers and I would be happy to pay for the new campus. Maybe you don't understand because it's not YOUR community and YOUR campus that was destroyed. If you all want to go on living with the idea that the Hattiesburg campus is all that matters, then by all means do--just don't force your ideas on those of who actually LIVE HERE and don't want to lose what we've worked so hard to achieve. And ok, so maybe capitalism was the wrong word--maybe I should have said FASCISM.