It is my understanding that the pre- hurricane enrollment figures showed a decrease for USM. Correct or incorrect?
Yes, your recollection is correct. Using the hurricane as an excuse misleads the reader. The statement that Southern Miss remains second in student population was correct only prior to the hurricane. Southern Miss is certainly the third largest university at this time. Even without the hurricane, based on the past five years Ole Miss would have probably overtaken Southern Miss for second place by next Fall. Southern Miss enrollment without the hurricane problems is approximately what it was three years. Ago. Full time enrollment has not grown during the past three years.
By definition, USM's pre hurricane enrollment was not affected by Katrina. As of the week before the hurricane, IHL data show that headcount at USM had dropped by 223 compared to the previous fall. Enrollment at MSU was up 167, and UM was up 414. Given that USM coast enrollment was up at that point, it appears that the decline in full time students which we've seen on the Hattiesburg campus over the past three years has continued. It also appears to me that our Vice President for Academic Affairs is whistling in the grave yard.
Am I correct in assuming that the 200-odd student decrease is for USM-Hattiesburg only? Are figures even being released for USM-Gulf Coast? Last week, Gulf Coast CC reported that they have processed around 3,000 student withdrawals since Katrina & I'd think it would be preposterous to assume that USM-Gulf Coast hasn't had a similarly dramatic decrease in enrollment.
Once again, USM becomes Hattiesburg-centric when it suits its purposes... Or maybe USM has just plonked all the USM-Gulf Coast students in a "continued enrollment" section...