Haven't spoken with them but they are not in the updated line of fire and should be in the clear unless Rita turns more to the west.
Word from the Stringers is that Bryan/College Station has doubled in size in the last 24 hours. The A&M Saturday football game has been rescheduled for tonight, but the university president told everyone to stay off the gridlocked roads and stay home.
you are obviously not in the same world as I. The maps since this morning show the eye well east of Houston, Victoria will have a cake walk. Much higher probability of high wind damage in the Hub City than there.
Do you even know how to read a map? Victoria is in the 3-day warning window for Rita, as is presented on The Weather Channel's website. Hattiesburg is well outside of the area. I understand how different areas are affected based on their proximity and direction to the eye, but Hattiesburg might have kite-flying weather if the eye hits Houston. If the eye does hit Houston, Victoria is in trouble. You seem to want to panic people when no panic is in order. It will rain in Hattiesburg. That's about all.
I hope it washes him away. He is a snake in the grass. I am surprised that Dr. Hauer is actually concerned about him. Don't get me wrong Stan, but he was pure evil at USM - an opportunist who screwed anyone he could along the way. Blinded by his friendship with others who used their inappropriate connections to hurt those who had the most promise for USM's future.
You got it! Now he is in a backwater school. In many ways, too bad.
I have no comment on your opinion of Tim Hudson, but you demonstrate your own ignorance in referring to the University of Houston at Victoria, and by inference the U of H system, as a backwater school. They have a competent chancellor, a smoothly functioning board of regents, are well funded, progressive, and offer many excellent academic programs. There are a number of fine scholars within the ranks of their faculty.
Backwater school. Pure evil. Sour grapes comments from sour grapes folks.
Yes, that comes through clearly. I'd suggest that the sour-grapers who find it therapeutic to carp about Tim Hudson's past misdeeds be more specific when slamming him (it ain't that difficult) and lay off the gratuitous bashing of a sister institution.
I don't know about UH/Victoria, but don't sell UH short. It has a mission, and it does an excellent job of fulfilling it. There are many fine scholars and researchers.
The budget also funded these salary increases: UH and UHSA faculty and staff 4 percent; UH-Clear Lake faculty and staff 3.5 percent; UH-Downtown faculty 3 percent and staff 5.5 percent; UH-Victoria faculty and staff 5.5 percent.