Mlle de Guerre and I are quite well, I am happy to report. Our computer access limited due to damaged wiring, and we are temporarily relocated, but our situation is better than many. I did in fact learn to make sun tea, not bad in a "crunch" and now am grateful to have the real thing once more. Mlle. has put away her champagne and bubble bath for the duration, feeling that such indulgences were inappropriate. Her great pleasure these days is a cup of strong coffee at a (for her) shockingly early hour. We continue to celebrate, grieve, and pray with all of our dear friends.
I will not be online again for some days, probably. All of you take care, and walk in the care of "le bon Dieu" as Mlle would say.
Kindest regards,
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre