I hope that you all are safe and doing as well as can be expected after Katrina.
The Red Cross is in need of 50 volunteers to do Family Service Assessment. This is a long term project (3-6 mo.) but I thought it would be good for many faculty who want to help but didn't know how. If you can volunteer a couple of hours or more a week for the next few months, it would truly help those who have lost homes, relatives and livelihoods. The Red Cross would like to do a training Wednesday morning, Sept. 7 and I am trying to obtain Cook Library room 123 to accommodate the training. If you would like to help, please email me at applin_mary@yahoo.com or call me at home at 268-7680 and leave a message on my machine. As soon as I know for sure the place and time Wednesday, I will post again to this board. Thanks in advance!
I have confirmed Cook Library room 123 as the Red Cross training spot for Wed. I'm still waiting on a time from the Red Cross. I have not heard from any of you yet!
The Red Cross training for Family Service Assessment is scheduled for Wed. Sept 7th at 9am in Cook Library (enter through the rear by McCain). Please, please, the red cross really needs your help. This is the next step in the chain of events - assessing the immediate needs of persons who have lost their homes. Thanks.