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Post Info TOPIC: USM Reopening
Ellen Weinauer

USM Reopening
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I'm curious what others think about USM's commitment to reopen on Sept. 12. While I can appreciate the desire to return to normalcy, I also question the ethics of (1) not making any kind of statement in the press release about compassion and concern for the many students, staff, and faculty who have lost or can't locate family, whose homes are damaged or even completely destroyed, etc.; and (2) not realizing that just because USM may have power and not have sustained much damage, many others may still be without power or sanitary/healthy living conditions in H'burg by the 12th. I and my family have taken refuge with family in Illinois--we left a house cleaved by a tree. I can imagine, if we have power, coming back and trying to clean up and begin to repair and restore. But I can't imagine being able to teach my classes or do my work under those circumstances--and we're among the lucky ones who have only sustained property damage. Peggy Price mentioned on another thread her hopes that if they got USM up and running they would use its resources to help the many displaced folks, and of course she's right. Why not use the Commons to serve meals, or allow people to get cool for an hour, or try to devote some dorm space, however temporarily, to house those who have lost everything? It seems to me nothing short of shameful to have a campus full of empty, cool buildings when so many are doing without so much.

I sincerely hope they reconsider--commit to opening as soon as everyone in H'burg has power, sanitary water, access to fuel, and has had a chance to return and regroup--and in the meantime be of some real help to the south MS community.

Ellen Weinauer


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Bravo, Ellen.  Those are wonderful and humane suggestions. 

Link Sausage

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What I thought was a HUGE hole in today's story in the HA is the financial incentive that USM stands to gain by reopening so quickly. That's what's unsaid by USM officials and apparently unasked by the HA. 

The longer USM stays closed, the longer Ole Miss and MSU have to cherrypick students. USM's not just reopening because it's "the right thing to do." It's the only thing to do financially.   

Greg O'Brien

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I agree with you. As a counterpoint to the USM announcement, here is Dartmouth's response to the crisis, a very admirable and compassionate one. (I taught at Dartmouth last fall and still receive their official mailings, which is why I have this.) They are granting leave time to faculty and staff who want to go south to help. I sure hope that USM can do the same for those who have homes and lives in ruins.

Greg O.

>To the Dartmouth community:

In response to the needs of college students whose lives have been disrupted by
Hurricane Katrina, I have today approved a plan to offer temporary admission to
academically qualified undergraduates from the colleges and universities whose
operations have been affected.

Because we are still three weeks away from the opening of our fall term on
September 21, we hope this will be of particular help to students who need time
to assess their options and take action but hope to continue their studies this

The students will be admitted under a temporary expansion of our Special
Community Student Program, and we will not impose a limit on the number. We will
review the program on a term-by-term basis, and will expect students to return
to their home institutions once that is possible.

We will waive the tuition for these students, but they will be admitted with the
provision that they pay the regular tuition at their home institutions. We
envision that the home institutions will use the tuition funds to help
rehabilitate their campuses and to help offset some of the impact on their local

We are not in a position to offer housing on campus, but we will reach out to
the community to organize a volunteer effort to help any students admitted under
this program to find housing within a reasonable distance of the College.

There are many details of this arrangement yet to be worked out, but I am
confident that we will soon be prepared to accept visiting students, and I look
forward to welcoming them. We will work with affected institutions, higher
education associations, the media, and members of the Dartmouth family to get
this information out as widely and quickly as possible. Inquiries about these
arrangements may be directed to Julie Bell, Coordinator of Dartmouth's Special
Community Student Program at (603) 646-3098 or via email at

Paul Danos, Dean of Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, has also announced that
Tuck will arrange for a limited number of special exchange students to be
admitted to the second year of the MBA program. Arrangements for students in
Dartmouth's other graduate and professional programs are under consideration.

While we are putting the special admissions program in place, I have asked a
range of Dartmouth administrators to find ways we may be able to convey material
aid and assistance directly from Dartmouth to the affected areas. We will
explore options to grant leave time to faculty and staff members who wish to
join with various agencies to assist in hurricane relief efforts in the affected
areas. Student interest in participating in relief programs is being
coordinated by the Tucker Foundation. I expect more information on these
programs to be available next week.

Meanwhile, I encourage members of the Dartmouth community to participate in
relief efforts already under way. You can find an online list of links to the
web pages of organizations conducting such efforts on the Dartmouth web page

We are also working to help Dartmouth students, faculty, staff and alumni who
have been directly or indirectly affected by the hurricane and its aftermath:

* Members of our community who may feel a need for counseling can find, on the
web page mentioned above, information about campus offices that offer such

* We have a number of current undergraduates and members of the incoming Class
of 2009 who are from the affected areas, and we are working to make sure they
know that we can help them with a variety of needs they may have when they
arrive back in Hanover for the fall term.

* For alumni and others looking to provide or get information about members of
the Dartmouth family who may have been in harm's way, we have established a
special "blog" (weblog) at

More information on all these efforts will be available in the near future, and
we will update our web page on Dartmouth responses to Hurricane Katrina
accordingly. Please check that website regularly for additional information.

James Wright

Character counts

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Although I disagree with the premise that USM's objective to open early is purely financial, I do share some of Dr. Weinauer's and others' concerns.  It is incomprehensible that University officials have not been front and center with daily updates about progress, or lack thereof.  It is unfathomable that there has not been a network established for university employees to check in and be counted.  It is reprehensible that this sad excuse for a president has not publicly expressed concern for faculty and staff.  The fountain is flowing near the dome; the football team is practicing in Memphis; and our priorities are where?

Perhaps it is time for Richard Crofts to step in and run this university?

David Johnson

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It is truly wonderful what Dartmouth and many other institutions are doing to help affected students and faculty. Thanks, Greg, for sharing this with us.

As for opening campus to the community at this stage, I agree it would be desirable, but may not be advisable. I am sure that physical plant is devoting their time to building repair and grounds cleanup. The Commons has been serving the campus community that are still living on campus is my understanding. We should also remember that school was already in session when this hell on earth broke loose so the dorm rooms are most likely occupied with student belongings for the most part, and it would be injudicious to put strangers in those rooms. Finally, offering services requires staffing. We should keep in mind that security staff, food service staff and dorm staff are likely to be suffering from effects of the hurricane as well. It would, in my mind, be inappropriate to ask these people to return to campus on a daily basis in order to take care of other people rather than attending to what I am sure are some deep personal crises.

I'm not arguing for or against reopening on the 12th. I certainly agree with Ellen that many faculty and students may or may not be in a condition to return on that date. I'm hoping that middle-administration, by which I mean deans and department chairs, will use common sense and decency in dealing with stressed faculty over the first weeks following reopening. I'm pretty confident up to the chair level that that is likely. I'm sure that faculty will have to make adjustments in deadlines, etc, to accommodate students who may be unable to return on the 12th, or may have lost textbooks, computers, etc. that will make assignments more difficult.

I'll leave it to better minds than mine as to the ethical points of the decision. What I can say is that none of the options are particularly appealing. Not reopening for a month doesn't send a very good message. Reopening too soon can create a lot of problems as well.

As for it being the soundest financial decision, I agree. But, I don't think that is a particularly bad or unethical aspect of the decision. Let's remember that USM is a huge economic engine for Hattiesburg and the entire Pine Belt. Those who work at the University can ill-afford for poor financial decisions to be made that could result in layoffs, etc. There is a tendency to look at "the University" as "them." But, if we believe what we say we believe about the academy, the university is 'us,' least for those who belong to the USM family. The financial reality is that the university endowment is virtually non-existent from a cash point of view. Tulane has no option but to cancel its fall term. Maybe they are better off than USM and can afford to continue payroll checks until January or whenever they are able to reopen their doors. I don't think that's a real possibility at USM, so reopening may keep people employed and receiving their salaries, paltry as some of those are (particularly for staff). The option is uemployment insurance which maxes at something around $200-$250 per week even for the highest paid employee.

Undoubtedly this will make some posters angry. That's not my intent. I'm simply trying to point out that decisions like this are complex. They affect many many MANY people. What may on the surface seem self-serving may also be better community service than we realize, even if unintentionally.

I do think the tone of press releases and announcements could be softened and much more sensitive to the situations of the affected students, staff, faculty and townspeople.

Eagle Reader

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At in the Eagle Talk forum and in the Hattiesburg American community forum there are parents, staff and students upset over the lack of communication from USM during this storm.

While papers had announcements about public schools, businesses and the USM football team, there was silence from the University.  Rumors circulated, parents could not contact their children that were living in dorms, employees and students had no idea about damage and when they might expect to return.

Many students at the Hattiesburg campus are from the coast.  I can't imagine trying to complete a semester after this.  I agree that a lot more needs to be considered than water and power on campus.

Mr. Wizard

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Apparently those tuition dollars are pretty important after all. I believe Myron Henry has made the point repeatedly.

In Hattiesburg Now

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By the twelfth of September, nearly all of Hattiesburg (my guess is 90%) will have power, water, and fuel. There has been power in many neighborhoods that border Highway 98/Hardy Street for at least two days now. As of today, power was coming back on, even in the more fringe areas of the city. Of course, outlying areas may take a few more days. Water is back on in 99% of Hattiesburg already and has been for days. As such, I don't have much sympathy for the argument that it will be too difficult to start back because students and employees won't have services.

If everyone had not fled the area post-hurricane, cleanup efforts could have started already and things would not seem so daunting. If your house is damaged, then stay with friends. Work during the day at your house and then retreat to a friendly confine at night. It doesn't take fuel to drag limbs to the road, rake leaves and sticks, and generally clean up. Tree removal can be had for a reasonable price. I suspect that some of the complainers are just too soft to take a little heat, a little humidity, and to do a little physical work. Maybe your hands are just too soft.

Instead of b****ing and complaining about having to go back to work, why don't you just count your blessings that you still have a workplace and a house that can be repaired and a community that has ice, water, power, and fuel? Get your butt back to Hattiesburg, work at your house until Sunday, and go back to USM on Monday. It will be hard, but you're not too good to join the thousands of people who are having to go back to work AND clean up their lives after the hurricane. It might even be a bit theraputic.

Of all the things to blame Thames for, this is one of the most stupid. How about the students who have been terribly distracted (or worse)? Wouldn't a return to routine (and possibly power and water) be a good thing? I think so. Can a student actually affect a change in rebuilding his or her family's house? Not generally. USM (and public schools in general) needs to reopen so that parents can quit worrying about what to do with kids and get about the business of returning to normalcy. Insurance checks and FEMA money will be forthcoming.

What I'm hearing here is that it's just too damn inconvenient to go on with life because it's too hot. Or maybe it's just really easy to say "Let's give up on the Fall Semester 2005. We can start fresh in the Spring."

Unless it's just too cold.

Power, Gas and Food

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I am going to be sure that my home has electricity before I come back to Hattiesburg.  So far from what I can tell some of the "higher rent areas" to the west have power back on again, but apparently there are appartment complexes that do not yet have power.

Then there is the question of gas, plane or train or a combination of both to get back.

Question: if one's home is not damaged and it turns out that the the power is not back on by 9/12 what are we supposed to do?

Barton Spencer

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It will be a miracle if power is restored to my neighborhood, around Thames Elementary, by September 12. A very large number of the poles are down and there is debris everywhere.

On a positive note: There is a group of linemen that have literally camped out at Thames Elementary (the tents are near the walking track) and I suppose they are working within the neighborhood, but I don't know for sure. They are from out of state, and it's great to see them here.


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Barton Spencer wrote:

It will be a miracle if power is restored to my neighborhood, around Thames Elementary, by September 12. A very large number of the poles are down and there is debris everywhere.
On a positive note: There is a group of linemen that have literally camped out at Thames Elementary (the tents are near the walking track) and I suppose they are working within the neighborhood, but I don't know for sure. They are from out of state, and it's great to see them here.

They are from a tree removal company,not an electric utility

Outside Observer

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Isn't it also to the student's benefit that USM reopen as soon as someone else pointed out, the semester had begun...students had moved in...sure they could transfer somewhere, but wouldn't it be better for them to return to classes at the school in which they chose to enroll in the first place?


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I note that you have been sternly vigilant on other threads. Several hours ago, I posted a response to the more outrageous insinuations of "In Hattiesburg Now" above, which never appeared. Before I try to reconstruct my response, I would like to know whether you killed the previous one.


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Mr. Wizard wrote:

Apparently those tuition dollars are pretty important after all. I believe Myron Henry has made the point repeatedly.

Of course the dollars are important.Where do you think money comes from? Like any business or profession damaged by a disaster,your main concern is getting cash flow to pay bills. Faculty members can function like anyone else without electricity in their homes. What if doctors,nurses,policemaen,etc. waited until they had power before returning to work.


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Banker makes a good point. Since no good deed goes unpunished, and likely no good point of view, either, Banker can probably expect an onslaught.

Still, s/he is right. Everyone in the area there is suffering. Yet, it is expected that MS Power employees report to work to get power back to others' homes, that gas station attendants and owners show up to be sure gas can be purchased, volunteers and staff at Red Cross, Salvation Army and other agencies all have house damage, but are making sure folks get fed. Police and Fire personnel, as well as most city employees, have been working near round-the-clock shifts to provide services and protect the public.

Hopefully profs whose homes are in worse shape can get one whose home is not as badly damaged to cover some classes for them or take whatever leave time is available. No doubt a lot of flexibility will be required from everyone.


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DJ wrote:

Banker makes a good point. Since no good deed goes unpunished, and likely no good point of view, either, Banker can probably expect an onslaught.

Still, s/he is right. Everyone in the area there is suffering. Yet, it is expected that MS Power employees report to work to get power back to others' homes, that gas station attendants and owners show up to be sure gas can be purchased, volunteers and staff at Red Cross, Salvation Army and other agencies all have house damage, but are making sure folks get fed. Police and Fire personnel, as well as most city employees, have been working near round-the-clock shifts to provide services and protect the public.

Hopefully profs whose homes are in worse shape can get one whose home is not as badly damaged to cover some classes for them or take whatever leave time is available. No doubt a lot of flexibility will be required from everyone.

David Johnson,

This is one point "In Hattiesburg Now" made last night or this morning, among others.

At what point is it OK to go back to work? When everyone has power? When all trees are cleaned up? When every displaced person is relocated to a permanent living situation? When every shelter is closed? When every power line in MS and LA are back up? I guess some of those who say USM is returning hastily must be independently wealthy, because they must not need a paycheck for September.

As for getting others to cover classes, I would suggest that home repair can be done outside of class & office hour time. Research and service may suffer, but teaching should not.

David Johnson

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Under normal circumstances, which these most certainly are not, I'd agree with you. As stretched as resources are now, you have to take contractors when you can get them. You may have to be there when MS Power comes through or they won't reconnect you. There are multiple reasons that a class may have to be covered.

I don't think anyone is advocating that the world should be perfect before USM reopens. I think a lot of people, including me, are concerned about safety issues, particularly for students. There are a lot of part-time students who come to night classes. You can't be out with the curfew, so what do those folks do?

There are more questions than answers, Talonical, but the faculty I've talked to, and they are several if not many, are willing to do what it takes to normalize life at work and at home. Give them just a small break, for the sake of compassion, please.

Web Master

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Voter wrote:


I note that you have been sternly vigilant on other threads. Several hours ago, I posted a response to the more outrageous insinuations of "In Hattiesburg Now" above, which never appeared. Before I try to reconstruct my response, I would like to know whether you killed the previous one.

I think your response must have gotten lost. I didn't delete it, to my knowledge.


Not now please

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Web Master wrote:

Voter wrote: Webmaster: I note that you have been sternly vigilant on other threads. Several hours ago, I posted a response to the more outrageous insinuations of "In Hattiesburg Now" above, which never appeared. Before I try to reconstruct my response, I would like to know whether you killed the previous one. I think your response must have gotten lost. I didn't delete it, to my knowledge. WM

Voter, I believe that was the thread where I first asked for the Webmaster's assistance and soon after the thread was eliminated and the other warning(s) were posted.  It was outrageous and, I believe, designed to create divisiveness and anti-faculty sentiment.


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Not now please wrote:

Voter, I believe that was the thread where I first asked for the Webmaster's assistance and soon after the thread was eliminated and the other warning(s) were posted.  It was outrageous and, I believe, designed to create divisiveness and anti-faculty sentiment.

It's a little hard to follow your syntax, antecedents, etc. here; so I won't try too hard. I guess it boils down to what the meaning of "It" is, as in "It was outrageous..." Like WM, I believe my post was swallowed in the ether; but what is truly outrageous and inflammatory and downright pugnacious is the calumny put forth by "In Hattiesburg Now" above. For those who have criticized Webmaster for being too harsh with the censorship, note that this trash has been allowed to stand. Let it be said that I'm a First Amendment kinda guy, so I believe it should stand--but once I wipe off the sweat and ants and blood & load my verbal musket again and fire off another post, I hope mine will stand, too.

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