Those of you with access online to the Chronicle of Higher Education should note the article regarding the resignation of the president of a 15,000 student community college in Washington State.
Here's a snippet from the article:
"Rachel David, chairwoman of the senate, cited a top-down management style, poor communication, a lack of accountability, and favoritism as reasons for the vote. She also said that faculty members had been angered by a $25,000 raise Ms. Moore received in the spring of 2004, even as state appropriations for the college were in decline.
But after the no-confidence vote, Ms. Moore assembled a Climate Task Force of administrators, faculty members, and staff members that met weekly to hash out some of the concerns and to come up with resolutions. "
Can anyone say PUC? To the credit of their governing board, they refused to extend the president's contract which still had a bit over two years to run. Any chance of importing that board to run IHL?