is the fact that your website has not been updated in several per your announcement of RC for his April meeting indicative of how well the aaup is or the ball.
look at all the itmes that you have posted!!
new guy....maybe under a new id.....if i used my old one you would say it is sour grapes.....
Considering how many faculty have left USM, and that the ones there are working harder as a result, and that many others are overwhelmed by work that used by done by staff, and that others have had lots of paper work to try to get the institution off of SACs probation . . . give'em a brake.
A break or a brake? They seem to have had a brake. Things have stopped. Nothing seems to be happening with aaup.... seems like the towel has been thrown in.
How many members do we have? How effective are we? Have we made a difference?
A report from the current leadership would help clarify my concerns.
new guy wrote: A break or a brake? They seem to have had a brake. Things have stopped. Nothing seems to be happening with aaup.... seems like the towel has been thrown in.
How many members do we have? How effective are we? Have we made a difference?
A report from the current leadership would help clarify my concerns.
Then write them or call them, in propria persona. If you are really part of the movement--as "we" presumes--then ask what you can do to help. I'm sure that the webmaster would welcome bona fide offers of tech help or finances to update the website.
Otherwise, it sounds as though you are asking for some kind of military intelligence, with malice aforethought.
What has you so flustered about the fact that the website has not been updated lately? What stake do you have in it? How can you make it better? Be happy that you have the opportunity to contribute. Obviously, it's right before school starts - I can't speak for everyone else who contributes to this Board, but it's refreshing to have this type of break where nothing is flying off the charts. NG, if you stick around long enough - I bet you'll get to see the NST (next . . . . stupid . . . . thing) take place. Unfortunately, SFT and his cabal have managed to keep this place in a regular uproar for the past 3 years. No one enjoys it. Quiet weeks are good weeks.
I apoligize ms emma....being new i do not realize all the trials and tribulations that you all have had...looks like .i should have taken the job at Valadosta State ....looks like I am here for a year though....would really like to know what is going on....clue me in...
new guy wrote: would really like to know what is going on....clue me in...
Let's get this straight. There are nearly 50,000 posts on this message board, plus a goodly number on FireShelby, and you want someone to "clue you in"? Read the board already! There's even a handy thread to read first. It might need bumping up to page one, but it can't be that far down there.
It is not the message board that I have a problem is the AAUP-USM WEBSITE..check it out....nothing new in months....see you in the first meeting of AAUP if it is posted on the website...