I would like to thank several members of this board for teaching me a great deal about how academia works. I didn't know about tenure, vita, etc. before this and the old Fire Shelby board started up.
Several posters, like Invictus (I had to Google the meaning and I now love the name), LVN, FireShelby, Austin Eagle, Truth4USM/AH, Jameela Lares, Emma and many others have been wonderful educators on how the process of upper education should work.
I don't visit this site much because it seems as if a lot of detractors are putting their dribble out here, but I hope that it changes back soon.
Just watching the screen change during the trial last year was an education in the running of a college -- although from Thames a bad education at that. That was almost as exciting as reading the thread on the bus trip to Jackson with the Thames supporters -- my vote for funniest thread ever.
I just wanted to thank the faithful, bright, intelligent, and caring members of this board who have taught me and I'm sure others. I know it will be a benefit to me in the future.
Maybe we should give Advocate 18 hours of our famous distance learning credits and Invictus can award one of his famous diplomas. (I need to Google the name Invictus. Thanks for reminding me, Advocate.)
In light of another thread, I'd like to 'fess up about my "nom." About 25 years ago, I was involved with a group called the "Committees of Correspondence," which was composed of members of the National Association of Biology Teachers & National Science Teachers Association (along with a few strays from the American Humanist Association, People for the American Way & Americans United for Separation of Church & State). This was in those dark days before widespread internet access & the committees served to circulate information about local creationist activities & to develop "friend of the court letters" that were filed in various court cases related to the teaching of "scientific creationism" in the public schools. I signed some of my less official correspondence as "Darwin Invictus."
I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now.
It's not just drawn from that William Ernest Henley poem (which I think I had to memorize in the 9th or 10th grade). The word "invictus" means "undefeated." It's one of those words that just makes you feel stronger to say it.
Does anyone have some suggestions for an appropriate "degree" for Advocate? I could pass it along to the BOGUS board of trustees, which is meeting at Point Clear this weekend...
Thanks for your kind words about the bus trip report, and also for your good thoughts about the board in general. I, too, will always have very fond memories of this board and I am counting down the days to the Bon Voyage Shelby celebrations.