I noticed something in the May 6 FS minutes that may give Robert Campbell a laugh.
4.1.4 Inviting Ken Malone in June
A motion was made and seconded to invite Ken Malone to our next senate meeting.
That statement seems to appear several times, in both PUC minutes and Senate minutes, during the past year . Well, I guess it's all water under the bridge now.
"Dave B. and Bill Powell drive to the coast campus monthly to meet with the Coast Council (a group of coast faculty, staff and administrators). Dr. Grimes and Dr. Malone did not attend this month’s meeting. At this last meeting, the group decided it will continue to meet monthly and the faculty senate president will preside. Also at this meeting, they discussed the scheduling issues and the need for a Chief Academic Officer (CAO) for the coast. The group passed a resolution to ask the administration for a CAO. A senator made a motion that was seconded that the senate consider a similar resolution. A lengthy discussion ensued. A senate vote was unanimous (with 3 abstentions) supporting this position. Dave B. and Bill P. will present the FS view to Provost Grimes."
Is this why Malone was removed as COO? Did the administration actually listen to FS's recommendation? Wow! We've come a long ways baby!