One of the things that the spoilers do on this website is to take a grain of truth out of context and run with it, later claiming with self-righteous indignation that they haven't lied. I don't know anything about the veracity of this post but I do recognize the tone and and the theme. Spoilers aren't so very different from trolls, you see.
And you've certainly gone through proper channels in HR, the AA/EECOC office, contacted your AAUP rep, Faculty Senate rep and moved up your internal chain of command.....
And you've certainly gone through proper channels in HR, the AA/EECOC office, contacted your AAUP rep, Faculty Senate rep and moved up your internal chain of command.....
Surely USM has a more orderly appeals process than this. On the other hand, based on my experience I doubt that it does.
Raggedy Ann wrote: Buy the book wrote: And you've certainly gone through proper channels in HR, the AA/EECOC office, contacted your AAUP rep, Faculty Senate rep and moved up your internal chain of command..... Surely USM has a more orderly appeals process than this. On the other hand, based on my experience I doubt that it does.
No Contract For Me wrote: I'm one of them. I just contacted a lawyer. Since you've already sought legal counsel, then you surely won't object to identifying yourself
I would rely on my legal counsel for advice about this. A laywer might think otherwise about the matter of identifying oneself at this point.
IF this is true, there must be people out there who know the specifics. "What's up?" obviously does. Come forward and say what you can say without compromising other people. It is very hard to believe this. Yes, they still do foolish things, but surely they've learned something from their mistakes. And with SACS looking closely?
Surely they're employed this year??? They couldn't have been told this late that they're not employed this year!!
In Shelbyland - yes, it happens. Happened the first summer of his presidency - My advice is to seek legal counsel immediately. I'd recommend Kim Chaze since he has several clients who are suing over the very same thing, the one who most prominently comes to mind is Melissa Whiting, but there are others. Whiting's lawsuit was in the Hattiesburg American. I imagine if others go through the channels and hire an attorney who files the lawsuits - their names will be in the media as well.
My department chair (an 8 person unit) passed out six contracts yesterday. Other 2 (t-track) were told "not being renewed" ....
"What's Up" is vague on whether they were given a "terminal" contract. So I will not jump to conclusions. "No contract for Me" will not identify themselves or state if they notified the AA/EEO office, Faculty Senate or any other possible internal channel that can be checked.
I will investigate, but for now I'm very skeptical of this claim.
what up? wrote: My department chair (an 8 person unit) passed out six contracts yesterday. Other 2 (t-track) were told "not being renewed" .... "What's Up" is vague on whether they were given a "terminal" contract. So I will not jump to conclusions. "No contract for Me" will not identify themselves or state if they notified the AA/EEO office, Faculty Senate or any other possible internal channel that can be checked. I will investigate, but for now I'm very skeptical of this claim.
It's good to be cautious on slow news days. People get bored and post anything to get some action going.
A sure sign of a pirate flag being waved on this board is when lots of posters with handles no one has seen before suddenly start engaging in the conversation as though they have been around all along . . . I'm tending to be skeptical that this thread isn't just specious disinformation -- including a bogus discussion that more likely is comin gfrom a single source, for the most part.
stephen judd wrote: A sure sign of a pirate flag being waved on this board is when lots of posters with handles no one has seen before suddenly start engaging in the conversation as though they have been around all along . . . I'm tending to be skeptical that this thread isn't just specious disinformation -- including a bogus discussion that more likely is comin gfrom a single source, for the most part.
Excellent point, Stephen. My first reaction to this thread was, "My goodness, the trolls are getting creative."
I will note, however, that if I arrived at work to discover that I was not being given a contract without any prior notice, I'd probably call my attorney , too (as soon as I'd called my supervisor). And the attorney would then probably advise me to check with HR & start my appeal moving through the established institutional channels. That said, if I didn't receive a contract by the end of the preceding fiscal year (June 30), I would have already been on the horn with my supervisor & the HR office.
P.S. Except for the erroneous space in "comin gfrom," there are no spellling errors in this "Stephen Judd" post. For the record...
Invictus wrote: ... P.S. Except for the erroneous space in "comin gfrom," there are no spellling errors in this "Stephen Judd" post. For the record... Ah Ha! This is a clue. Do you think it was a troll posting under Judd's name?
Oh no . . at least half of my "mispellings" are actuallym istyping.
(see how easy that is to do -- I blame it on the computer as it doesn't space fast enogh to keep up with my fingers . . .)
This Provost calendar referenced above is interesting in several aspects. For one thing, it says that both the Fall Break and Spring Break are for students only. Very interesting.