I received a concerning message today from Mlle. de Guerre's cousin and traveling companion. Apparently Mlle. has suffered a slight overdose of Viennese pastry and has been hospitalized. According to the cousin, there is no cause for alarm, but physicians have instituted a strict regime of whole grain bread, fruit and steamed vegetables. Just between us friends, I think some tea and a brisk walk over the moors would set her to rights in no time, always worked for me. I did try to warn Mlle. about excess chocolate, cream and puff paste, but alas, I'm afraid she sometimes thinks herself the exception to the rules of normal human existence, and now the price must be paid.
I should also take this opportunity to point out to regular readers of this board that our friend Mr. W.J. Johnson, Chancellor of whatever that place is, is of course an Honorary Gentleman Caller, and very high in Mlle de Guerre's favor. She does look askance at the double wide trailer, but that is because she has safety concerns for Mr. Johnson, a gentleman of advanced years who might have difficulty running away from impending tornadoes and such.
I will keep board friends advised of Mlle's condition, although Dervish is going in for his grooming and refresher attack training today, so we will be away.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
As one who has enjoyed the hospitality of Mlle. de Guerre on several occasions, being an HGC, I am most distressed to learn of the dear lady's gastrointestinal difficulties and hospitalization.
While I agree that the tea and a walk on the moors would be refreshing for Mlle., we both know she is more likely to take champagne and a carriage ride. Her considerable constitution will no doubt stand her in good stead during these trying days.
Please pass along to her my greetings and felicitations as well as my hearty wishes for a full and speedy recovery so that she may return to enjoying her marvelous joie de vivre.