[STRATEGIC PLANNING AGENDA] 1. USM - The 2005-2008 Strategic Plan which includes the mission statement. A copy of the plan highlights is included in the bound June 16, 2005 Board Working File.
Yesterday, the committee recommended that this item be tabled. Further, Ms. Whitten had asked that a staff recommendation be presented to the Board today. Dr. Crofts consulted with Dr. Phil Pepper, IHL Assistant Commissioner of Policy Research and Planning, Dr. Joan Exline Assistant to the President for Accreditation, Planning, and Articulation at USM, and Dr. Shelby Thames, President of USM. Dr. Crofts recommended that USM’s mission statement be approved as submitted in the 2005-2008 Strategic Plan.
A motion was made by Ms. Whitten, and seconded by Dr. Neely, to approve USM’s mission statement as submitted in the 2005-2008 Strategic Plan. The motion passed on an 11 to 0 vote, with Mr. Klumb absent and not voting. Board members voting for the motion were: Mr. Ed Blakeslee, Mr. Thomas Colbert, Dr. Stacy Davidson, Dr. D. E. Magee, Dr. Bettye Neely, Ms. Virginia Shanteau Newton, Mr. Bob Owens, Mr. Aubrey Patterson, Ms. Robin Robinson, Mr. Scott Ross, and Ms. Amy Whitten. (p. 12) - - - [BUDGET, FINANCE & AUDIT AGENDA] 12. System Administration - Funding formula model. ... b. On motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Blakeslee, with Mr. Klumb absent and not voting, the Board endorsed in principle the reallocation of the base allocation of appropriations beginning in FY 2007 according to the funding formula currently under development. The reallocation should also include any increases or decreases in funding received from the Legislature. The Board acknowledges that the reallocation may have to be phased in over several years in order to maintain the integrity and stability of some institutions. A final version of the funding formula will be presented to the Board for its consideration later in the summer. (p. 16) - - - [Presidents’ Council Report] The Presidents’ Council discussed the following items: • The significance of the Governance Model to the Council. The Council felt it was appropriate to dissolve the Council in favor of the Commissioner calling meetings on a regular basis.; • The progress and current status of the proposed budget allocations.; • The needs of institutions, in particular the need to maintain academic quality in the face of reductions and soaring costs.; and • The need for someone to speak for the institutional executive officers in the coming year. (p. 25) - - - Strategic Planning Committee Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The committee was brought to order by Ms. Whitten, Chair. The following item was discussed: 1. USM’s Strategic Plan The 2005-2008 Strategic Plan for USM, as referenced by committee agenda item #1 in the Board Book, was tabled for 30 days. This item will be placed on the July agenda. The following committee members were present: Ms. Amy Whitten (Chair), Mr. Ed. Blakeslee, Dr. D. E. Magee, and Dr. Bettye Neely. Mr. Thomas Colbert was absent. Other Board members attending the meeting were: Dr. Stacy Davidson, Ms. Virginia Shanteau Newton, Mr. Bob Owens, Mr. Aubrey Patterson, and Ms. Robin Robinson. (p. 30) [BROUGHT BACK TO AGENDA AND PASSED AT THURSDAY'S MEETING]