It looks like USM has shortened the semester to 15 weeks (plus two days, to make up for fall break). Though 16 is really long, it seems odd they would change it now.
It looks like USM has shortened the semester to 15 weeks (plus two days, to make up for fall break). Though 16 is really long, it seems odd they would change it now. Any thoughts?
This has been in the works for a while -- it isn't sudden.
Wasnt' our semester always a week or so longer than most other schools'? This would just bring us to the norm.
During Aubrey Lucas' term as USM President, the administration responded to an IHL mandate about "classroom minutes" per semester by adding a sixteenth week to each semester. The rationale for doing so was that the three-hour final exam did not count as "classroom instruction", and the then-VPAA came to a Faculty Senate meeting to announce the decision, noting that "other state universities would follow our lead." However, none of the other eight IHL institutions added the week, so USM was alone with a sixteen-week instructional term. It's appropriate for Hattiesburg to return to the norm of all other Mississippi universities.