Aren't the remaining faculty just supposed to create duplicable on-line courses so that eventually a couple of programmers just manage the electronic distribution and maintenace of the courses. Faculty needed = minimal. SFT is a genius and you know it!
Aren't the remaining faculty just supposed to create duplicable on-line courses so that eventually a couple of programmers just manage the electronic distribution and maintenace of the courses. Faculty needed = minimal. SFT is a genius and you know it!
This has to be the most stable institution of any kind with which I have ever been affiliated. It's as if the base has developed a crack over time and the whole darn thing is now beginning to shatter. It has reached the point where even a gentle tap causes it to become more and more fragile.
This has to be the most stable institution of any kind with which I have ever been affiliated. It's as if the base has developed a crack over time and the whole darn thing is now beginning to shatter. It has reached the point where even a gentle tap causes it to become more and more fragile.
Correction. The first sentence should read "This has to be the most unstable institution of any kind with which I have ever been affiliated."