I know both JoJo and Above the Mire. Like me, they are supporters of Dr. Thames. I have seen both at various gatherings at Jamestown Road in the past, and one of them was at the Warren Paving meeting (as was I).
So, what's their fascination with us? I mean, there's a universe full of websites and message boards inhabited by people I dislike and disagree with. So, I don't read them. If we're so awful, you'd think these two (?) wouldn't spend so much time here.
I know both JoJo and Above the Mire. Like me, they are supporters of Dr. Thames. I have seen both at various gatherings at Jamestown Road in the past, and one of them was at the Warren Paving meeting (as was I).
I think I saw them at the meeting. Weren't they sitting with Gracie's Mom and Kudzu King?
I know both JoJo and Above the Mire. Like me, they are supporters of Dr. Thames. I have seen both at various gatherings at Jamestown Road in the past, and one of them was at the Warren Paving meeting (as was I).
Assuming that your post is true (a big assumption), then why don't you guys set up your own message board and worship Shelby to your hearts' content? Kiss his feet or any other body part, for all we care.
I know both JoJo and Above the Mire. Like me, they are supporters of Dr. Thames. I have seen both at various gatherings at Jamestown Road in the past, and one of them was at the Warren Paving meeting (as was I).
This is a "Hall of Fame" example of the devious tactics used by the aaup and the participants on this board. This is a blantant lie obviously planted by someone who wishes to discredit me. I can't speak for JoJo, because like carlton, I have no idea who it is.
carlton wrote: I know both JoJo and Above the Mire. Like me, they are supporters of Dr. Thames. I have seen both at various gatherings at Jamestown Road in the past, and one of them was at the Warren Paving meeting (as was I). This is a "Hall of Fame" example of the devious tactics used by the aaup and the participants on this board. This is a blantant lie obviously planted by someone who wishes to discredit me. I can't speak for JoJo, because like carlton, I have no idea who it is.
We have confirmation of JoJo's troll status. It's colleague referred to JoJo as "it."
Media Watchmaker wrote: Bad Santa wrote: Discrediting you would be like discrediting the flat earth society. Yeah, or Dan Rather, or Howard Dean, or Michael Moore.
Or Karl Rove, or Donald Rumsfeld, or George W. Bush.
Media Watchmaker wrote: Bad Santa wrote: Discrediting you would be like discrediting the flat earth society. Yeah, or Dan Rather, or Howard Dean, or Michael Moore. Or Karl Rove, or Donald Rumsfeld, or George W. Bush.
Yeah, funny how it's okay for GWB's adminstration to say "no comment" when one of its own (Rove) lies to a grand jury on a matter of national security. Seems like a double standard, dontcha think?
Yeah, funny how it's okay for GWB's adminstration to say "no comment" when one of its own (Rove) lies to a grand jury on a matter of national security. Seems like a double standard, dontcha think? Where's Kinky Friedman when you need him???
The Kinkster is an old friend of GWB, and was a guest at the Texas governor's mansion on many occasions. GWB is a long time fan of the Kinkster's music and detective novels, and has said he'd make a fine governor for Texas. Kinky is, if anything, a straight shooting Libertarian. He's hardly a left winger.
Yeah, funny how it's okay for GWB's adminstration to say "no comment" when one of its own (Rove) lies to a grand jury on a matter of national security.
I suspect Karl Rove is only conforming to the prevarication standard put in place by our former first reprobate, the one and only Bill Clinton. Slick Willie and his lackies set the bar for deceipt so high that his administration's record for dishonesty and corruption may never be broken. Even Lyndon Johnson could have learned a thing or two about lyin' and cheatin' from ole Bill.
I suspect Karl Rove is only conforming to the prevarication standard put in place by our former first reprobate, the one and only Bill Clinton. Slick Willie and his lackies set the bar for deceipt so high that his administration's record for dishonesty and corruption may never be broken. Even Lyndon Johnson could have learned a thing or two about lyin' and cheatin' from ole Bill.
George Stephanopoulos wrote: I suspect Karl Rove is only conforming to the prevarication standard put in place by our former first reprobate, the one and only Bill Clinton. Slick Willie and his lackies set the bar for deceipt so high that his administration's record for dishonesty and corruption may never be broken. Even Lyndon Johnson could have learned a thing or two about lyin' and cheatin' from ole Bill. Have things been safer at USM?
Safer than what? It would appear that Shelby Thames has modeled his administration after the Clintonian regime, complete with paid apologists, chronic lying, nepotism, financial "shenanigans," influence peddling, unrepentant serial assaults on women in his employ, finger-pointing, and cover-ups. How could it get any worse?
Bruised Eagle wrote: Have things been safer at USM?
Safer than what? It would appear that Shelby Thames has modeled his administration after the Clintonian regime, complete with paid apologists, chronic lying, nepotism, financial "shenanigans," influence peddling, unrepentant serial assaults on women in his employ, finger-pointing, and cover-ups. How could it get any worse?
Yes, it could get worse. At least Shelboo isn't a rapist or child molester. Now that I think of it, he is a perjurer, or so it seemed in the Glamser-Stringer hearing. Even so, he has a way to go to match the Clinton's corruption.
George Stephanopoulos wrote: I suspect Karl Rove is only conforming to the prevarication standard put in place by our former first reprobate, the one and only Bill Clinton.
Umm...ever hear of a little affair called "Watergate?" How quickly we forget that no one party corners the market on reprobates. Give me a president whose trangressions are personal over one whose trangressions are global any day!
George Stephanopoulos wrote: I suspect Karl Rove is only conforming to the prevarication standard put in place by our former first reprobate, the one and only Bill Clinton. Umm...ever hear of a little affair called "Watergate?" How quickly we forget that no one party corners the market on reprobates. Give me a president whose trangressions are personal over one whose trangressions are global any day!
And Iran-Contra. WJ Clinton was a saint compared to the crew running the country at the moment.
Give me a president whose trangressions are personal over one whose trangressions are global any day! And Iran-Contra. WJ Clinton was a saint compared to the crew running the country at the moment.
Pant down indeed! Clinton's transgressions were indeed global, and he's not even close to being a saint when compared to ANY "crew" in modern American history with the possible exception of wurl' clas liar and mass murderer (see Vietnam and the bogus Bay of Tonkin incident) Lyndon Johnson. If there were any justice the former first reprobate would still be doing hard time for assaulting Juanita Broderick, and don't even get me started on his other "personal transgressions." Clinton and Thames are excellent examples of what the public gets when elevating trash to high office. He was and is nothing more than human detritus and it's pathetic that there are still those who seek to defend him.
Inviticus and Estranted Democrat-- Give it a rest. Clinton's been out of office for 4 1/2 years. he's in bad health and can't be president again.
Whatever one thinks about his taste in women, when he left office, gas was cheap, the stock market was high, jobs were plentiful, and we were running a budget surplus. Can't say that now.
adsf wrote: Give it a rest. Clinton's been out of office for 4 1/2 years. he's in bad health and can't be president again.
Give what a rest? Clinton happened to be a fan of Kinky Friedman's crime novels, as is George W. Bush. And anyone who is remotely familiar with the Kinkster's more "interesting" songs, such as "Waitret, Please, Waitret" or "Get Your Biscuits in the Oven," might just figure that Clinton was into the, um, Kinky lifestyle.
For the record, any guy who smoked pot, dodged the draft & chased women has my kind of values
Inviticus and Estranted Democrat-- Give it a rest. Clinton's been out of office for 4 1/2 years. he's in bad health and can't be president again.
Taste in women my a$$. Do you really think it's that simple? I was born and raised to be a Democrat but that smarmy piece of trash makes me sick to my stomach. He makes Shelby Thames look like a choirboy. The damage he did to our party will take decades to undo. The guy is a rapist, pedophile, serial philanderer, and Lord only knows what else, not to mention eight solid years of administrative corruption. If I never see him again it'd be just fine. Bad health? Are you speaking of his arterial bypass? I doubt he's suffering at all but if so, what goes around comes around. Sheesh.