This board is dead. Where are our stars? Nothing in days from Invictus, Truth, Seeker, LVN, Austin Eagle, RAM, Curmudgeon, Mlle. Whatchamacallit, W.J. Johnson, Stinky Cheese Man, Angeline, USM Sympathizer, Emma, and so on. Are they all on a retreat somewhere? Having a party and forgot to tell the rest of us? Kidnapped en mass by agents of the Evil Empire? On strike? What's up?
Seriously, I believe that I, Austin Eagle, LVN & Stinky Cheese Man have all posted to the board in the last 2-3 days. Probably some of the others you mentioned have posted as well.
Sorry. I goofed. Mlle de Guerre is abroad and hasn't posted in a while, W.J. Johnson hasn't been heard from either. ram must be on vacation, and curmudgeon has been silent or had a name change. I think I'll go back in the kitchen now, and think about getting my glasses changed.
I'm here. I think I may have even posted something this morning, but obviously it wasn't memorable. I'm departing for the long weekend but will endeavor to contribute something really profound next week. Everyone have a safe holiday. There'll be lots of drunk idots driving the byways.
Some of us are busy writing Letters to the Editor, Letters to the IHL Board, and other more productive endeavours.
But I'm still counting my MIDAS money and trying to find a place to invest it. It really is a pain in the *ss to have to worry about all these investments. People don't realize that having grants is just the tip of the iceberg. Managing all of that money is very time consuming.
I've had friends visiting and am now in major preparation for my daughter's sorority sisters (and a couple of frat guys) to hit my house this evening for the 4th of July weekend activities (I live next to lots of water). I'm on disaster duty as they take out the boat, seadoos, and who knows what else.
These are disasters I can at least try to prevent. What's going on at USM is just plain self destructive. No Quarter.
I'm lurking here too. Just trying to catch my breath before the next idiotic scandal breaks. Although I know better by now, I never ceased to be amazed by the incompetence of this university administration. The standard for failure in this state must be very low when folks like Shelby Thames are promoted, tolerated, and celebrated. Boy, do we ever need a reform movement to get going again in this state and country.
I'm desperately trying to get tenure (again) at my new school. Finished two articles, and am working on the third. By the way, the board has been a little depressing lately (this is not a criticism of the posters . . .). I'm looking forward to hearing about Monique de Guerre's European travels.
I've been undergoing intensive training at the NSTPC (Next Stupid Thing Preparation Center), where enrollees try to imagine -- and prepare for -- the next boneheaded move by Shelby and Company. I'm proud (in a humble sort of way) to report that I have been designated a "First Responder" when the next dumb thing occurs. Reading all these training manuals has been taking much of my time and energy. However, I still visit and read the board every day -- and sometimes I comment under different noms, which I use so that my supervisors here at NSTPC won't know I'm taking a break from the books.
Stay the course, we are winning. The action/reaction scenario that has played out EVERY single time is in effect and means no more than it has ever meant.
Stay the course, we are winning. The action/reaction scenario that has played out EVERY single time is in effect and means no more than it has ever meant.
And you can take that to the bank. Some are out of town for the summer, some are catching their breath, others comment when appropriate. The message board has always waxed and waned. It's now in a waxing (or is that a waining?) Come the start of school it will be running full strength.