I have an issue with the example on the right hand side of the page. How do they account for the fact that some of these MIDAS recipients get paid on an overload basis to teach their assigned courses?
If the grant application tells the feds that certain of the requested funds will be used to pay somebody else to teach the courses from which the PI is released, it seems that the promise should be honored. I would expect the funds to be used for just that purpose. And I don't mean paying an adjunct something like $1,500 per course. If this is examined closely, the MIDAS program might join in the long line with the other "last stupid things."
There was a news story about this last night on WDAM. There was a shot of SFT handing a check to Dr. Frances Karnes. I didn't recognize the other recipients.
I agree with Myron and others that this sounds shady and smacks of double dipping. But then, this is the not so great USM with a whacko for president.
Why is no one posting the names of the recipients besides those mentioned in the article?
I want to see the names. I also want to know the specific amounts. The names and the amounts should not be protected under any law or policy. If they are very high USM's taxpayer provided budget should be reduced.
There was a news story about this last night on WDAM. There was a shot of SFT handing a check to Dr. Frances Karnes. I didn't recognize the other recipients. I agree with Myron and others that this sounds shady and smacks of double dipping. But then, this is the not so great USM with a whacko for president.
Temper this idea with the fact that Frances is one of the largest faculty contributors to the foundation, is a sustaining member with her husband of the arts on campus with a consistent record on contributions, her name appears on every donor list of student and children oriented programs on this university, her gifted student program has been run primarily on a gratis basis with her sacrifices pulling in lots of devoted volunteers. If she managed to work a grant that paid her salary to give her a MIDAS check, it most likely will allow her to contribute more. If she represents the average MIDAS recipient, more power too them. A Southern Miss with 100 Frances's wouldn't bend over for Shelby or spend its time b*tching about him, it would do something.
Lets not forget that most of Karnes work is done on the backs of her grad students who have to work her programs for free as part of their classes, She also gets credit for their research, a common practice I know -but she takes it to a new level. Alot of faculty members are generous when talking about the people who helped them get where they are. I know first hand that she isn't one of them.
Lets not forget that most of Karnes work is done on the backs of her grad students who have to work her programs for free as part of their classes, She also gets credit for their research, a common practice I know -but she takes it to a new level. Alot of faculty members are generous when talking about the people who helped them get where they are. I know first hand that she isn't one of them.
And I got to personally witness the CISE debacle. When Frances could have been a leader in the dept. and protected many junior faculty members as well as Assoc. Profs - she chose to abstain on votes or not show up to vote. She is no pioneer in this regard, but she gets her rewards by being quiet.