Hudson's monthly letter to the UH-Victoria community is straight forward and without pomp. It is refreshingly different than what we've seen pass to the USM community and to the media.
The next Pres at USM will still be a transitional one. No good national candidates will want a piece of the current MS governing structure while it still exists. U. Mississippi will have a similar struggle.
Our appointed board system SUCKS. The most efficient system we could implement (I.E. benefit the taxpayers) is to set tuition, let the institutions create their own governing boards, govern their own programs, and sink or swim baby. Capitalism in Higher Ed dude!
Good presidents seek independent governing boards, where he or she will have freedom to flex muscle in the best interest of the institution and its investors. The rest, in public systems, are just there to get the state paychecks and the Univ. Foundation salary supplements until a good private univ. gig comes along.
Hudson's monthly letter to the UH-Victoria community is straight forward and without pomp. It is refreshingly different than what we've seen pass to the USM community and to the media.
USM faculty hard feelings directed at Dr. Hudson notwithstanding, he's still receiving excellent reviews from the UH Chancellor and Board of Regents, and with a very few notable exceptions, he's very well liked by the faculty for his open door policy, willingness to listen, and forward thinking approach to management. Oh, and shared governance isn't an issure here either. The question to ponder is whether his behavior while rising through the ranks at USM was a manifestation of his survival strategy fostered by the corrupt good-old-boy culture there, or whether it was inherent and is under wraps in Texas. Whatever the case, he's doing a bang-up job here.
Mark my words -- Tim Hudson will become a successful and lauded president at a university of a much higher rank than the Wurl Class Southern Miss. As we struggle on, working for the nonentities who will apply after SFT is gone, we will wish that Hudson wanted to come back. However, he does not and why on earth would he? Like Stringer, Glamser and the zillions of others that are on the memorial wall, Tim has gone on to bigger and better things. Tim rose through the ranks, was a USM faculty member, you name it. He did not resign during the G/S fiasco -- but did you?
Do leopards lose their spots or are they just harder to see from a distance? This discussion is moot unless Tim resurfaces. From a distant perspective, let's wish him continued success at UH-V.
Mark my words -- Tim Hudson will become a successful and lauded president at a university of a much higher rank than the Wurl Class Southern Miss
This has nothing to do with Tim Hudson, but Treasure Hunt's comments remind me that many a good faculty member has been infected by the venomous climate that has existed at USM long before the current administration took over. Many careers have been wrecked her. That climate festered to the boiling point during the past three years, but the infection has been incubating for a long time. There have been some splendid administrators who were immune to the disease and retained their personal integrity. As an institution, however, USM was not able to shake it. I do believe that once USM has recovered it will be healthier than ever. The university will be like the open book it should have been all along, and the faculty will not tolerate anything less than integrity and excellence at all levels of leadership. If the IHL sends the wrong man or woman to Hattiesburg, that person's credentials should be shipped back to Jackson and the IHL should be told "keep trying until you get it right this time."
Realist wrote: The next Pres at USM will still be a transitional one. No good national candidates will want a piece of the current MS governing structure while it still exists. U. Mississippi will have a similar struggle. Our appointed board system SUCKS. The most efficient system we could implement (I.E. benefit the taxpayers) is to set tuition, let the institutions create their own governing boards, govern their own programs, and sink or swim baby. Capitalism in Higher Ed dude! Good presidents seek independent governing boards, where he or she will have freedom to flex muscle in the best interest of the institution and its investors. The rest, in public systems, are just there to get the state paychecks and the Univ. Foundation salary supplements until a good private univ. gig comes along.
Are we sure that Cossack doesn't have multiple personality disorder?
You sound a bit over the top my friend. Hudson did well here, and if you still hold a grudge against someone who is gone -- well, seeking help would seem to be in order. Get a life.
i may be over the top, but please justify the remodeling of the gulfparks president's home(provost home or whatever) and then convincing the university to pay for an apartment in h'burg
so you dont agree with me about the abbey debacle, but havent heard much in the few months about this great endeavor
in my original post my last statement should have ready "with
I know some folks on campus who be thrilled with a return of TH.
I understand from the UHV grapevine that Dr. Hudson has raised funds from private donors and is negotiating the purchase of a 15th century castle from the Loire Valley in France. It's to be disassembled and shipped to Victoria, where it'll be reassembled on our campus and ultimately serve as the new UHV Faculty Club. As someone said here earlier, we're thrilled with Dr. Hudson and what he's done for this university in a relatively short time.
... I understand from the UHV grapevine that Dr. Hudson has raised funds from private donors and is negotiating the purchase of a 15th century castle from the Loire Valley in France. It's to be disassembled and shipped to Victoria, where it'll be reassembled on our campus and ultimately serve as the new UHV Faculty Club.
Funds raised by private donors aren't required for more pressing needs-like scholarships-library materials-outside lecturers-??-I am impressed-you guys must be rolling in the dough!
Texas Toast wrote: ... I understand from the UHV grapevine that Dr. Hudson has raised funds from private donors and is negotiating the purchase of a 15th century castle from the Loire Valley in France. It's to be disassembled and shipped to Victoria, where it'll be reassembled on our campus and ultimately serve as the new UHV Faculty Club.
Funds raised by private donors aren't required for more pressing needs-like scholarships-library materials-outside lecturers-??-I am impressed-you guys must be rolling in the dough!
Why hell yeah buddy, this is Texas and we rollin' in cash. We already got scholarships and books covered and we also got a great faculty so we don't need no uppity outside lecturers. Sides, if we cain't have a football team we might as well have our own castle.
Treasure Hunt wrote: Hudson would be a good president.
Not as good as Don Cotten.
As far as folks here at the U of H are concerned the jury's in, and Hudson is regarded as a very good president. He's viewed as a rising star in the U of H system. I'm not convinced that he'd have any interest in returning to Hattiesburg.
My information is dated but I have the impression that Don Cotten had more than his fill of USM and it's back-stabbing politics. Do you really think he'd entertain the idea of coming back as prez?
As an aside, I think that almost anyone who follows Thames will look good by comparison unless it's Dvorak, Malone, Lassen, or some other member of that band of academic thugs.
Reporting Live From Houston wrote: "Dvorak, Malone, Lassen, or some other member of that band of academic thugs." I hereby nominate this for USM-AAUP post de jour, at least as of 1:30 pm CST. A "band of academic thugs." The description couldn't be any more apt.
The vacations continue as TH and his good buddy Vic Padelford recently returned from a week in Mexico.
TH (or maybe UHV) has footed the bill for numerous TH cronies to visit Texas. Some from Spain.
Not sure were the rumors of all this money is coming from as I have seen nothing in the local papers about large donations.
Word is his act is wearing thin in tiny Victoria and that the Chair of the UHS Board of Regents may be having buyer's remorse over her hand picked golden child.
So, TH goes to Mexico, creates a program for uhv students to study abroad that did not exist before he was there, and this is the beginning of the end for him. Please.