Have just received a letter from Mlle. de Guerre who, as you know, is traveling in Europe with her half-German cousin. A letter means that something dreadful has happened to the laptop, but I don't mean to think about that just now. At any rate, Mlle. and her cousin were apparently riding in a train whilst the letter was being written, as there were various spills and a few crumbs. It seems they are not able to go to Bayreuth for the Wagner after all. Apparently it takes years to get a ticket, and Mlle is not famous for her patience. So they are off to Vienna to eat pastry instead. Somehow I think Mlle will enjoy Viennese pastry more than she would have liked all those ladies in helmets.
Mlle. did express some concern about the seeming quietness on campus. She reminded me of the rule all mothers know, that when things seem the most serene, one must then be most alert. She also expressed some reservations about plans being made on the assumption that Dr. Thames will be in office a full two years more. Mlle. may be flighty at times, but she can be remarkably astute at others. She made an unflattering comment that his complexion was somewhat cheese-like, and felt it did not bode well for his health. "Not that I wish for him evil," she reminds me, "but one must face the facts as they are before us. This is not a healthy man." All in all, it does make one wonder what the young minions (such a popular word on our board these days!) will do with themselves when the day comes. And the day shall come.
Well, I am glad to know that Mlle is happy and well-supervised, and only wish that pastry travelled well (so she could bring me some!). I shall keep you apprised of her progress, but as we are now depending on the postal services of several countries, I cannot promise with what regularity I shall be able to report.
Good evening to all!
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
She also expressed some reservations about plans being made on the assumption that Dr. Thames will be in office a full two years more. Mlle. may be flighty at times, but she can be remarkably astute at others. She made an unflattering comment that his complexion was somewhat cheese-like, and felt it did not bode well for his health. Good evening to all! Sincerely, Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
Yes, Dr. Thames has developed a cheesy complexion of late, his head now resembling a full moon rising. He's manifesting hints of blue-green mold and smelling not unlike limburger well past it's prime. It is indeed unpleasant to behold, a condition crying out for medical intervention. We can only hope our ailing president will seek out an Aramark dermatologist before reaching the point of no return.
Chuckie Cheesehead wrote: Yes, Dr. Thames has developed a cheesy complexion of late, his head now resembling a full moon rising. He's manifesting hints of blue-green mold and smelling not unlike limburger well past it's prime. It is indeed unpleasant to behold, a condition crying out for medical intervention. We can only hope our ailing president will seek out an Aramark dermatologist before reaching the point of no return.
Is this the true identity of Stinky Cheese Man?
Just kiddin', SCM. Just kiddin'. Promise. Scout's honor.
Yes, Dr. Thames has developed a cheesy complexion of late, his head now resembling a full moon rising. He's manifesting hints of blue-green mold and smelling not unlike limburger well past it's prime. It is indeed unpleasant to behold, a condition crying out for medical intervention. We can only hope our ailing president will seek out an Aramark dermatologist before reaching the point of no return.
Hey, I haven't seen Dr. T around campus for some time, but he really wasn't looking too healthy when last sighted. He had a sickly pallor, or in the cheesy vernacular, looked a bit green around the gills. Is he in good health, or does anyone happen to know? He sure didn't look like a guy who was having fun. Or maybe he'd just eaten one too many Aramark hot dogs.
Don't know about ranches, but they got lots of hospitals.
Yes'm, we got plenty of first rate hospitals over here. We did have to close down the old Chicken Ranch cause of too much bad publicity but we still got plenty of places for gentlemen's entertainment, some even convenient to the medical center. From what I hear, your Dr. Thames most likely does a little multi-taskin' when he visits the Lone Star State.