I have just received an interesting fax from Mlle de Guerre. Apparently she has had a rather long layover in the Cincinnati airport, and preferring not to be idle, got out her laptop and prepared the document I just received. There may possibly have been champagne involved, and if so, I ask you to make allowances. According to this missive, Mlle feels the necessity of creating a new category of male friends she will call "Honorary Gentlemen Callers." The HGC's, of whom she seems to have quite a collection, are those gentlemen she would not actually date, for reasons of marital status, orientation, or a serious girlfriend in the picture, but are gentlemen for whom she has a special affection and regard. Most of them know who they are, including Austin Eagle and USM Sympathizer; however, I believe applications are pending for Invictus and Seeker. Seeker will most surely be rejected as being far too young, but it looks promising for Invictus. In any case, Mlle is revising her "Rules for Gentlemen Callers" to accomodate these friends. The first item is the matter of socks. She has decided that, as she will not be seen alone in public with them, the HGC may go sockless with permission from their wives. Those without wives are advised to think this through carefully, but possibly a note from an aunt will suffice. She still doesn't think it's such a good idea.
More revisions may be forthcoming, probably depending on how long it takes Mlle to reach Paris. Once there, I'm afraid her attention will probably be diverted and we may not hear more on this subject for some time.
Good day to you all.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
Please advise Mlle. de Guerre that I am honored to be included in such distinguished company as USM Sympathizer and Invictus. Also inform her that I am in the habit of wearing socks, but never with sandals.
Thank you, Austin Eagle. Unless you wear sandals to the theatre, I doubt there would be a problem. I was also remiss in failing to mention Mlle de Guerre's former travel companion, Green Hornet, who of course is an HGC.
PS to M. Boudreaux. In the afternoon we drink tea, at least in civilized places.
I feel compelled to bring your attention to a pick-up truck (the term is used loosely as the vehicle seems to be held together with duct tape) that has been sighted around Hattiesburg close to the university. It has Loiusiana plates and mud-splashed tires and doors. It also has, very prominently displayed on the front bumper, a new, shiny bumpersticker announcing "I love standard poodles!"
Dear Ms. Angleterre, I feel compelled to bring your attention to a pick-up truck (the term is used loosely as the vehicle seems to be held together with duct tape) that has been sighted around Hattiesburg close to the university. It has Loiusiana plates and mud-splashed tires and doors. It also has, very prominently displayed on the front bumper, a new, shiny bumpersticker announcing "I love standard poodles!"
Dat must be my truck ya been seein. Thibodeaux's truck don have doors, no.