Mr. Colbert introduced Mississippi Senator Jack Gordon, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. On behalf of Lieutenant Governor Amy Tuck and the Mississippi Legislature, Senator Gordon presented Senate Concurrent Resolution 601 commending the dedicated public service and achievements of Dr. Shelby Thames, President of The University of Southern Mississippi. ---------------------------
(p. 2)
5. Other Business The Interim Commissioner informed the Board that motions and briefs in the Board v. State (gaming) case were submitted to the Court by the Board’s attorney, John Maxey of Maxey Wann, PLLC, and the Attorney General’s Office. The matter has been set for hearing on May 17, 2005. A copy of the documents is included in the April 21, 2005 Board Working File. ---------------------------
(p. 10)
13. System Administration a. Approved the creation of a new academic unit at USM, the School of Computing within the College of Science and Technology from the Department of Computer Science and programs in the former School of Engineering Technology that were not placed in the School of Construction. b. (Information item.) - USM is creating the Bureau of Business and Economic Research within the College of Business. The Bureau will serve to provide economic forecasting at the regional level, information about important regional economic trends, and limited fee-based business services. Initially, the Bureau will be supported through the College of Business. Future funding will be generated through grants, fee based services, and development activities. c. (Information item.) - USM is creating the Center for Economic Education within the Bureau of Business and Economic Research in the College of Business. The Center, a collaborative effort between the College of Business and the Mississippi Council on Economic Education, will serve to provide economic training and tools to K-12 teachers. Additionally, the Center will coordinate activities with the Mississippi Council on Economic Education and the economic education center operating at Mississippi State University. Initially, the Center will be supported through the USM administration, the College of Business, and the Mississippi Council on Economic Education. Future funding will be generated through grant and development activities. ---------------------------
(pp. 11-12)
14. System Administration - Approved modifications to existing academic units, as follows: ... b. USM i. Rename the Department of Government, International Development, and International Affairs to the Department of Political Science, International Development, and International Affairs in the College of Arts and Letters in the College of Arts and Letters. ii. Create the Department of Geography and Geology within the College of Science and Technology by consolidating the current departments of Geography and Geology. iii. (Information item.) - USM is discontinuing the Center for International and Continuing Education in order to allow for tighter academic controls to insure compliance with SACS and other accrediting bodies as well as to insure academic rigor in all for-credit offerings. (1) The restructuring of the Center's functions will include the following: (a) Creation of the Office of Non-Credit Programs administered by the Office of the Provost; (b) Creation of the Office of International Education administered by the College of Arts and Letters; and (c) Moving the English Language Institute under the administration of the Office of International Education. iv. (Information item.) - USM is renaming the Institute of Juvenile Justice Administration and Delinquency Prevention to the Institute for Justice Systems Management, Research, and Training in order to reflect a change in mission and direction. The newly titled institute provides consultation services for county jails, legal organizations, and law enforcement agencies. Additionally, the Institute serves as federally designated monitors/consultants and plans and sponsors statewide conferences for Youth Court judges, training school personnel, etc. v. (Information item.) - USM has created the Jack and Patti Phillips Workplace Learning and Performance Institute. The Institute will train organizations to develop basic, core, and advanced workplace competencies and use technology as an enabler for effective workforce development models. The Institute is supported through a gift from Drs. Jack J. and Patti Pulliam Phillips. -----------------------------
(p. 17)
29. USM – Approved the purchase of property located at 3707 Montague Boulevard and 304 North 37th Avenue in Hattiesburg, MS. The property is owned by Mr. Marvin Shemper and is currently used as a residence. The average of two appraisals for the property is $379,500. Funds are available from University sources. ------------------------------
(pp. 20-21)
4. System Administration - Approved the proposed amendment to the Board Policies and Bylaws to add a new policy - 301.0802 Institutional Executive Officer Assessment/Evaluation - for first reading and to renumber the existing policies from 308.0802 through 301.0805. The new policy is as follows:
301.0802 INSTITUTIONAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION The objective of the Institutional Executive Officer Assessment/Evaluation is to promote good communication and build strong working relationships between the Institutional Executive Officer (IEO), the Commissioner, the Board of Trustees, and the campus constituencies. The assessment is designed to provide each Institutional Executive Officer with feedback on performance and the opportunity for professional reflection and development. The performance reviews of the IEOs will be conducted every year. A. The Commissioner of Higher Education has primary responsibility for the annual evaluation of the IEO. The Commissioner=s annual evaluation shall include at a minimum: 1. An assessment of institutional performance at the system level, 2. An assessment of individual performance goals and specific performance indicators reflective of long-term strategic institutional goals, and 3. A written evaluation by the Commissioner. B. The Commissioner will seek input on IEO performance from on-campus constituent groups and external constituencies. C. The Commissioner will share the written evaluation of the IEO with the person being assessed and will provide the IEO with a copy and the opportunity to add a statement responding to the assessment and adding any additional information as appropriate. The written evaluation and any IEO response will then be shared with the Board of Trustees. D. Based on the results of the evaluation, a written, personal development plan for the following year shall be developed by the IEO and approved by the Commissioner. E. The Commissioner shall report to the Board of Trustees the process being used for IEO assessment at the beginning of each annual cycle.
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System Administration (Information item.) - Payment of legal fees to outside counsel, as follows: a. In relation to litigation and other matters: Payment of legal fees for professional services rendered by Maxey Wann, PLLC (Statement dated 3/1/05) from the funds of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning. (This statement represents services and expenses in connection with the IHL v. State case.) TOTAL DUE..............................................................................................................$1,839.41
(p. 31)
OTHER BUSINESS 3. On behalf of the Board, Ms. Newton thanked Mr. Roy Klumb for his year of service as Board President. She presented him with a plaque in recognition of this service. Mr. Klumb thanked the Board and expressed how much the presidency has enhanced his life.
(p. 31)
COMMISSIONER SEARCH COMMITTEE MEETING Presented by Ms. Virginia Shanteau Newton, Chair On April 8, 2005, the committee met with the consultant from Greenwood and Associates to draft the ad and position description. The ad will be placed in several publications this month including the Chronicle of Higher Education, Black Issues, and Hispanic Monthly.
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EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Ms. Newton, with Mr. Ross and Ms. Whitten absent and not voting, the Board voted to close the meeting to determine whether or not it should declare an Executive Session. On motion by Ms. Newton, seconded by Mr. Blakeslee, with Mr. Ross and Ms. Whitten absent and not voting, the Board voted to go into Executive Session for the reason later reported by the President in Open Session and stated in these minutes, as follows: Discussion of a personnel matter at The University of Southern Mississippi. On motion by Mr. Klumb, seconded by Dr. Davidson, with Mr. Ross and Ms. Whitten absent and not voting, the Board voted to return to Open Session. The Board discussed a personnel matter at The University of Southern Mississippi. ------------------------------
(pp. 50-60)
Exhibit 4 Amendment to the Board Policies and Bylaws - 301.0512 Meeting Rules of Order--for first reading.