So far most of the discussion concerning the next two years has focused on Thames, his henchbunch, and his backers... and how to react to the damage they might do.
Obviously, attention needs to be paid to all of that.
But the USM faculty are now in a position to take the initiative on many issues, and to set the agenda for USM after Thames is gone.
The Faculty Senate and various faculty bodies are extremely well placed to push for policy changes and put the burden on Thames to explain why he is not accepting them. It's Thames' turn to be reactive. The more reacting Thames is required to do, the less time he can spend lining the pockets of his cronies, or sticking it to his enemies.
What's more, any reasonable reform initiatives at USM have excellent prospects of media coverage.
Meanwhile, Thames, who could easily spend the rest of his term as president without a Director of PR, deserves to be given the maximum of opportunities to thrash and flail and make things up in public. And if Thames quits talking and hunkers down in his bunker, then he will appear to be doing nothing of a constructive nature--when in reality he is doing nothing of a constructive nature.
Robert, that's a brilliant suggestion. I haven't had enough coffee to be constructive yet, but the whole concept of acting as if Thames is an ineffective, wounded, short-timer and moving forward in spite of him sounds like a good approach. Show him for what he is.
I heard recently that at least two faculty on the Thames Sh** List were denied tenure and/or promotion (I don't know which.) That frees up those two to be as vocal as they care to be, doesn't it? Everytime he takes a potshot, he just hardens the opposition.
One policy that needs to be changed immediately is the concept of a "Chief Operating Officer" -- this ain't no factory.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "So far most of the discussion concerning the next two years has focused on Thames, his henchbunch, and his backers... and how to react to the damage they might do. Obviously, attention needs to be paid to all of that. But the USM faculty are now in a position to take the initiative on many issues, and to set the agenda for USM after Thames is gone. The Faculty Senate and various faculty bodies are extremely well placed to push for policy changes and put the burden on Thames to explain why he is not accepting them. It's Thames' turn to be reactive. The more reacting Thames is required to do, the less time he can spend lining the pockets of his cronies, or sticking it to his enemies. What's more, any reasonable reform initiatives at USM have excellent prospects of media coverage. Meanwhile, Thames, who could easily spend the rest of his term as president without a Director of PR, deserves to be given the maximum of opportunities to thrash and flail and make things up in public. And if Thames quits talking and hunkers down in his bunker, then he will appear to be doing nothing of a constructive nature--when in reality he is doing nothing of a constructive nature. So let's put our creative suggestions here... Robert Campbell"
I think you're on target, RC. Thames' resignation radically alters campus dynamics, and affords faculty the upper hand, if they will grab hold to it. Now is not the time to be miffed that the board did not act to remove Thames more quicky, but to go on the offensive with a clear-eyed focus on the future. Even before considering specific policy initiatives, the 2005-2006 leaders of the various faculty bodies -- I'd count the Senate, the Academic Council, the Graduate Council, the Council of Chairs, and the AAUP (others?) -- should join together NOW (next week is not too soon for the leadership to meet) to agree to work in concert in these "last days." Indeed, setting an action agenda would be a fundamental first task for such a group.
I agree completely! A number of us have been talking about the next search for president. Here are some thoughts:
1.Last time, the IHL trustees had a concept for what they wanted from a president, most likely someone to bail the state system out of financial difficulties because it is unlikely that the state legislature will be funding higher ed like they should. It was all about economic development. Shelby Thames sold the trustees a "bill of goods" and has not delivered. I believe that there might be some of the same concepts that the IHL trustees wil be looking out for.
2. I think last time, the faculty was literally blind-sided by the choice of Thames and his economic development initiatives. We were never allowed to examine the goals or provide any feedback into how the goals might be achieved, especially without disrupting academics.
3. If this is going to work, the faculty AND the local community need a clear job description advertisement fromthe IHL board so that when candidates are interviewed, we can all ask appropriate questions and make informed recommendations, especially regarding academics. This is the most rational option.
4. All of this has to do with the future direction of the university. We are in the trenches and faced with implementing the policies and following the procedures and if they are as hair-brained as many of those of Thames, we will be exactly in the same divisive place a few years down the road.
quote: Originally posted by: Third Witch "One policy that needs to be changed immediately is the concept of a "Chief Operating Officer" -- this ain't no factory."
USM faculty may want to become very familiar with the ideas of Richard Florida. From what I have read, he can give you all kinds of ammunition to use in discussions about "economic development." In a nut shell, he argues that creative people are the engines of economic development, and that "traditional" universities, with strong liberal arts components and an atmosphere of freedom, attract creative people. He does not seem to favor the stripped-down, community-college sort of university Shelby has in mind. Perhaps he can be invited to come to campus to speak som that local business leaders can here something more sophisticated than what Angie D. has been telling them. Here's his website:
quote: Originally posted by: Amy Young "I agree completely! A number of us have been talking about the next search for president. Here are some thoughts: 1.Last time, the IHL trustees had a concept for what they wanted from a president, most likely someone to bail the state system out of financial difficulties because it is unlikely that the state legislature will be funding higher ed like they should. It was all about economic development. Shelby Thames sold the trustees a "bill of goods" and has not delivered. I believe that there might be some of the same concepts that the IHL trustees wil be looking out for. 2. I think last time, the faculty was literally blind-sided by the choice of Thames and his economic development initiatives. We were never allowed to examine the goals or provide any feedback into how the goals might be achieved, especially without disrupting academics. 3. If this is going to work, the faculty AND the local community need a clear job description advertisement fromthe IHL board so that when candidates are interviewed, we can all ask appropriate questions and make informed recommendations, especially regarding academics. This is the most rational option. 4. All of this has to do with the future direction of the university. We are in the trenches and faced with implementing the policies and following the procedures and if they are as hair-brained as many of those of Thames, we will be exactly in the same divisive place a few years down the road. Happy Sunday. Amy Young"
Amy, I fear that faculty will be at a disadvantage during the summer months when so many won't be here. FS meets on June 10 for the final 04-05 session. The next meeting is in August. I assume Academic Council and Grad Council do likewise. The executive committees will have to be on their toes and ready to respond to the many "stupid things" that may come in rapid-fire succession.
In addition I hear faculty will be leaving USM, but are so disgusted by events, they haven't yet informed their chairs or deans. Please note this is rumor. I don't know the number, although I believe Dave Beckett has a good idea of how many
I wonder if the HA could launch an ongoing series of opinion pieces in which different persons could present in deatil their visions of a post-Thames USM. Faculty leaders, community leaders, staff persons, students, political figures, etc., could all be invited to participate. (I would even enjoy reading Roy Klumb's thoughts, assuming that someone could write them down for him.) Such a series might have the benefit of helping everyone understand where everyone else is "coming from," and it might also have the benefit of getting some cards out on the table. Better that debates shoud occur before a new president is selected than after. Such a series would also help redirect public attention away from Thames and put the focus where it belongs: on his successor and on the future of USM.
Are there any figures in the Hattiesburg community who are widely respected both by faculty and staff and by other citizens, including "business leaders"? Could such persons be enlisted in an effort to help get USM back on track post-Thames. Other posters have mentioned that the Jan Lacy (I hope I am remembering her name correctly; the lady who runs the copying business) is respected. Even though she has spoken out sympathetically concerning Thames, could she (or someone like her) possibly be a "bridge" figure between the campus and the community?
With what time there is, and those faculty here for the summer, is there any way the Senate, Grad Council, Academic Council and the PUC and get SFT to give a "list" of goals he is going to accomplish?
This would be a way to:
(a) get "his" agenda out in the open so that any deviation can be quickly addressed by the faculty governing bodies
(b) develop a way of "accounting" SFT's actions as he progresses towards his goals
(c) keeping him on "task" so that those goals are met and we can show him the door!
". . . a "list" of goals he is going to accomplish? . . . Any thoughts?"
I like your idea. I'd be interested in knowing what plans he has for the Albertson's Building and the old Hattiesburg High building. And specifically what he envisions being housed in the new Trent Lott building. And any new academic programs he plans to establish at USM. And does he plan to bulldoze down married student housing. I'd be thrilled if I could get even that small amount of information.
quote: Originally posted by: Green Hornet "With what time there is, and those faculty here for the summer, is there any way the Senate, Grad Council, Academic Council and the PUC and get SFT to give a "list" of goals he is going to accomplish? This would be a way to: (a) get "his" agenda out in the open so that any deviation can be quickly addressed by the faculty governing bodies (b) develop a way of "accounting" SFT's actions as he progresses towards his goals (c) keeping him on "task" so that those goals are met and we can show him the door! Any thoughts?"
Good idea, Green Hornet. FS meets on June 10 and PUC is scheduled to meet the following week. Maybe the FS reps to the PUC can get this put on the PUC's agenda.
quote: Originally posted by: Green Hornet "With what time there is, and those faculty here for the summer, is there any way the Senate, Grad Council, Academic Council and the PUC and get SFT to give a "list" of goals he is going to accomplish? This would be a way to: (a) get "his" agenda out in the open so that any deviation can be quickly addressed by the faculty governing bodies (b) develop a way of "accounting" SFT's actions as he progresses towards his goals (c) keeping him on "task" so that those goals are met and we can show him the door! Any thoughts?"
Beware! We are all being lulled into a false sense of "Whew, well it's over now." Not so. There is nothing more dangerous than a lame duck president who has NOTHING TO LOSE. And that is Thames. Here is a warning. Heed it!
I'm way ahead of you. Please seek out my earlier postings on other threads. SFT is wounded, yet VERY dangerous. All faculty need to be careful over the next two years.
Regarding this thread, the faculty need to learn about SFT's agenda and make him accountable to completing his "tasks" so we can see him out of the Dome!!!!
I would like David Beckett and the Faculty Senate (as well as the other faculty governance committees/councils) meet with SFT and have him outline specifics and hold him accountable. We need to insure that our faculty is not targeted by his (revengeful) policies.
quote: Originally posted by: Reporter " Amy, I fear that faculty will be at a disadvantage during the summer months when so many won't be here. FS meets on June 10 for the final 04-05 session. The next meeting is in August. I assume Academic Council and Grad Council do likewise. The executive committees will have to be on their toes and ready to respond to the many "stupid things" that may come in rapid-fire succession."
I hope everyone on the Faculty Senate, Academic Council, Graduate Council, and other faculty bodies will recognize the present situation at USM as a crisis--and accordingly schedule emergency meetings in July.
In fact, it would be a good idea to continue the July meetings after Thames is history.
I don't believe that shared governance is going to continue to work unless there is significant activity by faculty bodies during the summer. Administrators are 12-month employees. Some of them have learned that it's easier to get away with dirty stuff during the summer because it will be hard for the faculty to react then.
Now, when the faculty are up against a vindictive lame duck who would love to stamp out shared governance, the need is all the more pressing.
Keep in mind that USNWR's America's Best Colleges is usually complete by late July/early August, and they start doing their press kits in early August. The magazine is released, at least in online form, by late August. This is something to go to the media about when the time comes, and it will be here before you know it.
quote: Originally posted by: L.C. "Keep in mind that USNWR's America's Best Colleges is usually complete by late July/early August, and they start doing their press kits in early August. The magazine is released, at least in online form, by late August. This is something to go to the media about when the time comes, and it will be here before you know it. "
What are the chances that USM will have moved back up to Tier 3?
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "But the USM faculty are now in a position to take the initiative on many issues, and to set the agenda for USM after Thames is gone."
One possible suggestion is that the Faculty Senate work toward an official university policy on email monitoring that protects faculty and staff from university surveillance not related to legitimate law enforcement activities initiated by the Attorney General or FBI.
The faculty senate might take up the issue of online instruction, perhaps reinforcing exhisting procedures and outlining new ones that balance the need for maintaining academic integrity while fostering this new and important mode of instruction.
quote: Originally posted by: qwerty "The faculty senate might take up the issue of online instruction, perhaps reinforcing exhisting procedures and outlining new ones that balance the need for maintaining academic integrity while fostering this new and important mode of instruction."
Excuse me, but is that not the duty of the Academic and Graduate Councils?
quote: Originally posted by: I spy " One possible suggestion is that the Faculty Senate work toward an official university policy on email monitoring that protects faculty and staff from university surveillance not related to legitimate law enforcement activities initiated by the Attorney General or FBI.
I realize that over the past year the Faculty Senate was preoccupied with post-tenure review, when not having to react quickly to the Latest Boneheaded Thing.
A new computer use/email privacy policy would be a great project for the next academic year, however. Were the Senate to recommend such a policy, it would get favorable press. And the burden would be squarely on Thames to either endorse it or explain why he was rejecting it. I'd love to hear Thames explain why what is good enough for a number of other universities is somehow not acceptable at USM.
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "A new computer use/email privacy policy would be a great project for the next academic year . . . Were the Senate to recommend such a policy, it would get favorable press. And the burden would be squarely on Thames to either endorse it or explain why he was rejecting it. I'd love to hear Thames explain why what is good enough for a number of other universities is somehow not acceptable at USM."
Professor Campbell, the importance of this issue is extremely important to USM when one considers what was done to faculty and students last spring. A new computer use/email privacy policy should head the list of priorities. We should not forget.
Ask all USM administrators who make official statements to the media to sign a pledge to speak truthfully about the condition of the university.
The pledge would contain a preamble about the importance of open and honest reporting about all aspects of the university, particularly when it comes from those who claim to speak for it.
The actual pledge would consist of promises
--not to release false or misleading information about USM to the IHL Board, the media, or the general public
--to make a prompt and public correction of any errors made inadvertently in statements to the IHL Board, the media, or the general public
Instead of getting bogged down in arguments on the board with Gracie's Mom (and if you go back a little while ... Kudzu King, USM Product, Son of Bubba, et al.), why not do what USM Sympathizer has suggested and hold a community forum (or series) featuring panelists from the AAUP chapter, the Faculty Senate, and other faculty bodies?
Here's a suggestion for the Faculty Senate: Ask all USM administrators who make official statements to the media to sign a pledge to speak truthfully about the condition of the university. The pledge would contain a preamble about the importance of open and honest reporting about all aspects of the university, particularly when it comes from those who claim to speak for it. The actual pledge would consist of promises --not to release false or misleading information about USM to the IHL Board, the media, or the general public --to make a prompt and public correction of any errors made inadvertently in statements to the IHL Board, the media, or the general public Robert Campbell
This is a truly EXCELLENT suggestion! It would be great to see how anyone would try to justify not signing such a pledge.
I had a colleague (person A) whom I knew to be secretly undermining another colleague (person B) on the university committee that approved graduate teaching status. The underminer was doing this even though she was openly supportive and even though the two were supposedly good friends. (Person A had undermined person B in similarly sneaky ways before.) So, at a department meeting, I suddenly passed around a petition supporting the application of person B for graduate teaching status (person B wasn't present at the time). As everyone else was gladly signing, person A suddenly jumped up, started crying (I am not kidding), said that person B would never want this kind of help, and ran out of the room. It is a moment I have always treasured.