James Williams, who headed the coast campus for many years, was very good at his job. When budgets started turning south in 1999, he held a faculty and staff convocation, put the budget spreadsheets on the overhead, and explained every account. No more grumbling after that. We all understood. Nothing like honesty and communication in a leader. He also had outstanding connections in the community, even serving as head of the chamber of commerce one year. SFT forced him out early in his presidency and replaced him with that fool, Kenbot, whose made a mess of things due to his base incompetency.
quote: Originally posted by: on the coast. " SFT forced him out early in his presidency and replaced him with that fool, Kenbot, whose made a mess of things due to his base incompetency. "
Speaking of Kenbot, hasn't he been awfully quiet? Is he still job juggling?
Jim Hollandsworth is in Jackson, happily working (as volunteer, I think) in Department of Archives; last I heard Don was back in Hattiesburg from Arkansas?
quote: Originally posted by: I remember when "Former VPAA Jim Sims. One of the very best USM ever had in any capacity."
One of the reasons I haven't wanted to leave USM is that I was hired to fill Jim's position as Miltonist when he retired in 1995. I heard his praises even in the California academic community--one scholar literally ran over to me at the Huntington Library to extract my promise that I would give Jim his best regards, and my dissertation director, not one to hand out compliments lightly, said, "Jim Sims? That man is a prince." I also heard an administrator at another university extol Jim at length at a Milton conference. Succeeding him as Miltonist at USM has felt like a public trust. In fact, I was told as I took the job, "Never say that you are replacing Jim Sims, as nobody can."
quote: Originally posted by: Retired prof "Don't forget Carl Martray. He was a terrific Dean, who was treated shabbily by SFT. We really lost a good one when Carl said "I'm outa here." "
Jo Hailey was a good assistant chair. Nice legs also.