Grimes was born way over his head when he accepted anything more than a normal research position. He has NO charisma, he has NO charm, he has NO abilities to lead us out of the messes, he has NO insight into what is going on... he just does his Howdy-Doody head shake and moves along like things will all be ok.
A completely and horribly wretched administrator this man is. As a researcher, he was probably OK. As a person who is supposed to be the advocate of all the faculty, he is from Hell. And we'll all be appealing to the administrator from Hell until he leaves. What happiness!
Can we get some idea regarding when this position will once again be open for a nation-wide search, IF EVER? As long as we are stuck with people like Grimes, we are SUNK. (we've been SUNK.. whatever, you know what I mean)
After visited the COB to smooth things over from his own Black Friday memo, he told staff members in the dome how he snuck up on some secretaries in Greene Hall and had them shaking in their shoes. No one in Greene Hall was execting his visit there and he was bragging about how the mighty Provost had everyone frightened when he showed up.
quote: Originally posted by: dome worker "After visited the COB to smooth things over from his own Black Friday memo, he told staff members in the dome how he snuck up on some secretaries in Greene Hall and had them shaking in their shoes. No one in Greene Hall was execting his visit there and he was bragging about how the mighty Provost had everyone frightened when he showed up."
I am terribly disappointed with Jay Grimes as a provost and as a person. Nonetheless, I don't believe this.
As a previous secretary in the COB I can assure you all this is true. The secretaries on the third floor seem to break all the time and no one cares. If they aren't on their infamous breaks then you can't find them and offices are left wide open. Others in the building can not leave their offices without getting yelled at and must wait for someone, student workers, to come cover the office/phones before even being allowed to go to the restroom. On the day in question, the third floor secretaries were having cake and laughing it up. One of the ladies actually offered Grimes a piece of cake. This has been going on long before Gunther or Doty were Dean. It's been said that one of the ladies will not last when Williams steps down this summer. But then again, it's all about brown nosing.
quote: Originally posted by: EXstaffer "As a previous secretary in the COB I can assure you all this is true. The secretaries on the third floor seem to break all the time and no one cares. If they aren't on their infamous breaks then you can't find them and offices are left wide open. Others in the building can not leave their offices without getting yelled at and must wait for someone, student workers, to come cover the office/phones before even being allowed to go to the restroom. On the day in question, the third floor secretaries were having cake and laughing it up. One of the ladies actually offered Grimes a piece of cake. This has been going on long before Gunther or Doty were Dean. It's been said that one of the ladies will not last when Williams steps down this summer. But then again, it's all about brown nosing."
This may or may not be true, but the fact is that even if staff aren't doing their jobs, it is a horrifying story. The provost has no business going around bragging about scaring secretaries out of their wits. Doesn't he have any dignity?
ExStaffer is 100% correct. I have also heard that there has been two EEOC complaints against two administrators and one OSHA complaint against one of the two administrators. Result was that both EEOC and OSHA ruled in favor of the two staff members. Most inside the CoB would enjoy learning which ones have to take leave when they are not on campus and which ones do not have the rules applied to them. This is true for both faculty and staff.
I'm told Grimes never finished his Greene Hall tour to "smooth things over with faculty" like he promised. Heard the few meetings he did have did not go so well and that he may have been timid about facing a college-wide audience in an auditorium like he planned.
I wonder why the hiring of USM COB graduates has been reduce in the business community of Mississippi. Could it be that the PROFS are not teaching anything? The PROFS blame it on poor students. Some business types beleve that the PROFS are spending too much time on the SFT issue and not teaching. I am sure AAUP has the answer.
quote: Originally posted by: JoJo "I wonder why the hiring of USM COB graduates has been reduce in the business community of Mississippi. Could it be that the PROFS are not teaching anything? The PROFS blame it on poor students. Some business types beleve that the PROFS are spending too much time on the SFT issue and not teaching. I am sure AAUP has the answer."
Might be an interesting question JoJoke, if it were true. Trouble is, it's not but then you already knew that.
According to Mr. Anderson, Director of USM career services, the COB had the best hiring year ever. In fact, I heard a number of students received job offers on the spot. I wish my college provided the same level of effort.
quote: Originally posted by: JoJo "I wonder why the hiring of USM COB graduates has been reduce in the business community of Mississippi. Could it be that the PROFS are not teaching anything? The PROFS blame it on poor students. Some business types beleve that the PROFS are spending too much time on the SFT issue and not teaching. I am sure AAUP has the answer."
The professors are teaching just as much as in the past, but they're now working in an environment in which they are demoralized, beaten down, and worried about their personal futures and the futures of their school and university. Would you like to work in an environment like that, JoJo? Or do you just enjoy watching other people suffer under such conditions?
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "Symp, the best and brightest are too good and too smart to respond to him. As for me, I took a pledge."
Thanks, LVN. I haven't responded to him before now, and probably won't again, but thought I'd ask him an honest question. Now let's see whether, and how, HE will respond.
quote: Originally posted by: JoJo "No answer from our best and brightest???"
JoJoke is the one who has ignored what he/she has already been told. Graduate recruitment and placement in COB is up, not down, so the premise underlying his/her argument is false on its face.