Is it just me or does anyone else think that Dr. Saunders is in need of some major PR folks? Between the parking garage fiasco (not talking to faculty and staff about the entire situation prior to all the details being released in the newspaper) and the latest (July 7) memo about budget cuts I'm starting to wonder...
There has been a lack of communication between administration and faculty/staff and students for a long time. This lack predates President Saunders.
With the technology at our fingertips, I do not understand the lack of proper communication. The parking permit/garage fisaco has upset everyone. Students are very upset with the lack of notification. Unfortunately, the students will probably get further with this than the faculty and staff.
The only reason President Saunders sent the email regarding parking several weeks ago is because several faculty/staff got on our "soap boxes". I for one emailed her directly.
Open communication is a must for any administrator, dean, director, etc.
This link will allow you to look at other university parking fees. Some links are dead. In most cases you have to hunt for the fees. In the 60's everyone complained about parking and it goes on. This is an opportunity to have parking in a central area. Dr. Saunders listened to the moaning and groaning about parking. This is a partial solution. But it has to be paid for!!
There has been a lack of communication between administration and faculty/staff and students for a long time. This lack predates President Saunders.
Granted Belle, Pres. Saunders did not create "communication breakdown" -- (Led Zepplin did, I think) -- but at some point she has to take ownership of the present. Which is to be preferred, bad leadership or no leadership at all?
Maybe y'all have a better apprecation of her "vision." Maybe y'all see how she demonstrates sacrifice before demanding it. Me, I'm missing it.