I spoke with Dr. Max Arinder, director of the joint PEER committee in December when the SACS news broke. He stated since IHL has direct oversight of USM, it would be best to first seek redress from the IHL. Further, if I felt that IHL was not being responsible in it's handling of the situation, I should write a complaint letter requesting a PEER review. IHL has had long enough; the time has come for the legislature to use it's oversight powers and get answers.
I also spoke with a member of the committee who would be willing to make a motion on approving the PEER staff to begin the investigation of the SACS debacle, and IHL's role in same.
quote: Originally posted by: chaz "I spoke with Dr. Max Arinder, director of the joint PEER committee in December when the SACS news broke. He stated since IHL has direct oversight of USM, it would be best to first seek redress from the IHL. Further, if I felt that IHL was not being responsible in it's handling of the situation, I should write a complaint letter requesting a PEER review. IHL has had long enough; the time has come for the legislature to use it's oversight powers and get answers. I also spoke with a member of the committee who would be willing to make a motion on approving the PEER staff to begin the investigation of the SACS debacle, and IHL's role in same. "
If this is true (and I have no reason to believe that it is not), it would be the best breaking news in many moons. The PEER committee an arm of the legislature.
quote: Originally posted by: Peerless "If this is true (and I have no reason to believe that it is not), it would be the best breaking news in many moons. The PEER committee an arm of the legislature. "
The Joint Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review is the legislature's best oversight tool. There are 7 members from the House, 7 from Senate.
I think 4 votes from each house are required for an investigation.
Trying to get PEER involved sounds like a great idea. Here is some relevant info from the PEER website:
Requests for PEER reviews originate from a variety of sources including:
legislative committees;
individual legislators;
PEER Committee members;
statutory authorization;
staff proposals;
other governmental agencies; and,
citizen complaints.
A citizen can bring a matter of concern before the Committee for consideration as a PEER project by providing to the Committee a signed written summary of his or her complaint. With the exception of projects authorized by statute or legislative information requests that are neither sensitive (i.e., suggesting improper conduct) nor complex, the Committee must approve any request for a PEER review prior to initiation of the review by PEER staff. The Committee assigns top priority to requests from legislators and legislative committees.
Aren't these the same legislators that just voted to give SFT an award? I suspect that they are part of the grand conspiracy as well. I hope I'm wrong.
quote: Originally posted by: Poly watcher "Aren't these the same legislators that just voted to give SFT an award? I suspect that they are part of the grand conspiracy as well. I hope I'm wrong."
It is a conspiracy so vast that it startles the mind. Practically everyone not a member of our faculty is involved. I have reason to suspect many of the people who post on this site,even those who act as friends. You are not wrong.
quote: Originally posted by: Poly watcher "Aren't these the same legislators that just voted to give SFT an award? I suspect that they are part of the grand conspiracy as well. I hope I'm wrong."
The PEER Commission is, theoretically at least, supposed to be unbiased and immune from political influence.
quote: Originally posted by: Prying Eyes "The PEER Commission is, theoretically at least, supposed to be unbiased and immune from political influence. "
Immune from political influence when politicians are the ones giving the green or red lights?
quote: Originally posted by: chaz " Immune from political influence when politicians are the ones giving the green or red lights?"
Theoretically that is the case. You are not familiar with me and it is not surprising that you don't know to evaluate what I say. But I imagine you have seen the informed posts by Invictus. Maybe he/she will provide an opinion on the matter. I'd be very interested in his view of this matter.