Since it's final exam week at Clemson, there have been Experimental Psychology projects to complete, and I've been grading term papers since last Friday, I haven't been able to do any long posts at Liberty and Power. Hence the L and P audience has yet to enjoy the Toy McLaughlin saga... And now it's time to fly to the Midwest for a family reunion. The best I can do now is tell the tale of high-powered-rifle guy around the middle of next week, as the next regular Board meeting begins.
I have hastily put together a little piece on tomorrow's executive session in Jackson:
Although I'm not fully in agreement with Invictus on this, I'm far less optimistic than I was earlier today when I first saw the C-L story. Apparently the unbroken record of bad publicity and Thames-induced headaches has just brought the Board to an unstable state where it could go 7-5 for Thames, hang up 6-6, or turn against him by going 7-5 the other way.
Let's hope Klumb can't quite get the numbers, and that tomorrow's meeting will be his last hurrah.