Chemistry: David Creed; Anselm Griffin; Kenneth McMurtrey
Child & Family Studies: Muriel Azria-Evans; Judy Kinney; Thomas Webb
CISE: Sheila Alber; Gloria Beal; Ada Belton; John Davis; Douglas Feldmann; Perrin Lowery; Michael Martin; Sally Martin; Janet Nelson; Jessie Palmer; James Siders; Gloria Appelt-Slick; Margaret Mary Sulentic; James Wharton; Melissa Whiting
Coastal Sciences: Julia Lytle; Thomas Lytle
Community Health: Ibrahim Ibrahim; Amal Khoury
Criminal Justice: Michael Smith
Economic Development: Mark Goodman; Bill Sisson; Ron Swager
Economics: Tyrone Black; Jennifer Caveny; Vicki Ward; Frank Whitesell
Education: Don Cotten; Ric Keaster; Jack Klotz; K.B. Malear; Carl Martray; Warren Ortloff; Amy Schweinle; Will Schweinle; Harold Shoemaker; Margaret Smith
ELI: Audrey Blackwell; Gail Hamwi
English: David Berry; Bettee Boyd; Tamara Harvey; Kim Herzinger; Susan Malone; John Marshak; Noel Polk; Mary Robinson; Gary Stringer; Mary Villeponteaux; Anne Wallace; David Wheeler
Finance: Ken Cyree; Iskandar Hamwi; Roger King; Michael Melton; Doowoo Nam; Durwood Ruegger; Walton Taylor
Foreign Languages: Elizabeth Anglin; Jean-Louis Dassier; Luz Marina Escobar
Geography: Donald Williams
Geology: David Patrick
History: Curtis Austin; Charles Bolton, Hayley Froysland; Terry Harper; Geoff Jensen; Brian O’Neil
HPR: Ronald Evans; Terry Kinney
International Business: Len Trevino
Library&Information Science/USM Libraries: Rosemary Chance; Suzanne Graham; Toby Graham; Jerri Hall; Mary Hamilton; Dolores Jones; Meg Meiman; Irmgard Wolfe
Management: Billie Allen; Robert Boothe
Marine Sciences: Denis Wiesenburg; Robert Willems
Marketing: Dan Fisher; Talai Osmonbekov
Mass Communications & Journalism: David Goff; Linda Goff; James Hall; Yohan Yssel
Mathematics: Beverly Janice Davis; Mylan Redfern
Music: Marta Hofacre; Michael Kimber; Sharon Lesback; Wilbur Moreland; Mary Ann Stringer; Martha Tisdale; Stanley Waldoff; Marian Wilson-Kimber
Nursing: Raylawni Branch; Wanda Dubuisson; Joseph Farmer; Marie Farrell; Kay Hobson; Sharyn Janes; Jeanne Morrison; Virginia Pearson; Sarah Powell; Cynthia Rouse; Betty Sylvest; Vickey Walley; Bobbie Sue Whitworth
NFS: Nancy Bertolino; Wayne Billon; William Forsythe; Ross Santell
Philosophy & Religion: Forrest Wood
Physics: Ray Folse; William Hughes; Grayson Rayborn; Rudy Sirochman
Political Science: James Lea; Gail Lucas; Ron Marquardt; Jerold Waltman
Polymer Science: Al Guyman; Gerald Mattson; Oliver Smith
Psychology: George Buelow; Theodore Christ; Ron Edwards; Greg Eells; Vincent Fortunato; B. Jo Hailey; Jim Hollandsworth; Gary Jones; Todd Kahan; Jake Levy; Lynda Mae; Daniel Randolph; Lillian Range; Paul Siakaluk
Sociology: Frank Glamser
Speech & Hearing Sciences: Richard Saniga
Theatre and Dance: Rebecca Dyer; Brian Hapcic; Frank Kuhn; Andrew Suthland
I am saddened when I look at that list and see virtually every professor who made an impact on me as a graduate student. USM did their best to lose my paperwork, tell me I would have to cross campus ten different times in order to fix their own error, and any other number of fun problems I didn't have at my undergraduate school. However, it was the quality and commitment of my professors that made my experience bearable. It's sad to me that I see four of those names that come to mind on the list of departures. In my mind, they are not replaceable.
Three departments are running nose to nose for the lead, racing fans. If the spotters have reported correctly, the numbers of departed/departing participants in the race as of this moment are:
quote: Originally posted by: Greased Pig Race "Three departments are running nose to nose for the lead, racing fans. If the spotters have reported correctly, the numbers of departed/departing participants in the race as of this moment are: CISE: 15 PSY: 14 NURSING: 13 "
English took off like a scalded rabbit at the beginning of this race many months ago. Now they are fourth. One of riders from English had a little less than gentle nudging from the jockey, of course
quote: Originally posted by: add it again "English had 3 more added to make 14."
These 12 names from English, taken from the top of this thread, are the only ones I counted:
English: David Berry; Bettee Boyd; Tamara Harvey; Kim Herzinger; Susan Malone; John Marshak; Noel Polk; Mary Robinson; Gary Stringer; Mary Villeponteaux; Anne Wallace; David Wheeler
Yes, English tally added 3 more English dept. people on the "from 2002-03 thread.
Evelyn Ashton-Jones; assoc. Prof (private sector) Jeanne Ezell; Instrctor went to Jones JC Lisa Langstraat (could that have been Longstreet?) Asst. Prof to Colorado State Bette Boyd is on there but her title needs to be changed from Prof to Instructor
quote: Originally posted by: Music Patron "Joel is a great guy. Sorry to hear he is leaving. Where is he going?"
Joel is a terrible loss. Really one of the music department's young stars. A dedicated teacher, a fabulous player, a consummate professional, a real gentleman.
At this rate, music is going to catch up with English.
quote: Originally posted by: Sassy Brassy "My understanding is that Behm left because of frustrations with leadership."
What little leadership there was in music has gotten worse under the Thames adminstration. When the big boys are bullies, make unilateral decisions, order people around, completely ignore shared governance, the little ones imitate them. Behm got out at a good time.
What little leadership there was in music has gotten worse under the Thames adminstration. When the big boys are bullies, make unilateral decisions, order people around, completely ignore shared governance, the little ones imitate them. Behm got out at a good time."