Chemistry: David Creed; Anselm Griffin; Kenneth McMurtrey
Child & Family Studies: Muriel Azria-Evans; Judy Kinney; Thomas Webb
CISE: Sheila Alber; Gloria Beal; Ada Belton; John Davis; Douglas Feldmann; Perrin Lowery; Michael Martin; Sally Martin; Janet Nelson; Jessie Palmer; James Siders; Gloria Appelt-Slick; Margaret Mary Sulentic; James Wharton; Melissa Whiting
Coastal Sciences: Julia Lytle; Thomas Lytle
Community Health: Ibrahim Ibrahim; Amal Khoury
Criminal Justice: Michael Smith
Economic Development: Mark Goodman; Bill Sisson; Ron Swager
Economics: Tyrone Black; Jennifer Caveny; Vicki Ward; Frank Whitesell
Education: Don Cotten; Ric Keaster; Jack Klotz; K.B. Malear; Carl Martray; Warren Ortloff; Amy Schweinle; Will Schweinle; Harold Shoemaker; Margaret Smith
ELI: Audrey Blackwell; Gail Hamwi
English: David Berry; Bettee Boyd; Tamara Harvey; Kim Herzinger; Susan Malone; John Marshak; Noel Polk; Mary Robinson; Gary Stringer; Mary Villeponteaux; Anne Wallace; David Wheeler
Finance: Ken Cyree; Iskandar Hamwi; Roger King; Michael Melton; Doowoo Nam; Durwood Ruegger; Walton Taylor
History: Curtis Austin; Charles Bolton, Hayley Froysland; Terry Harper; Geoff Jensen; Brian O’Neil
HPR: Ronald Evans; Terry Kinney
International Business: Len Trevino
Library&Information Science/USM Libraries: Rosemary Chance; Suzanne Graham; Toby Graham; Jerri Hall; Mary Hamilton; Dee Jones; Dolores Jones; Meg Meiman; Irmgard Wolfe
Management: Billie Allen; Robert Boothe
Marine Sciences: Denis Wiesenburg; Robert Willems
Marketing: Dan Fisher; Talai Osmonbekov
Mass Communications & Journalism: David Goff; Linda Goff; James Hall; Yohan Yssel
Mathematics: Beverly Janice Davis; Mylan Redfern
Music: Marta Hofacre; Michael Kimber; Sharon Lesback; Wilbur Moreland; Mary Ann Stringer; Martha Tisdale; Stanley Waldoff; Marian Wilson-Kimber
Nursing: Raylawni Branch; Wanda Dubuisson; Joseph Farmer; Marie Farrell; Kay Hobson; Sharyn Janes; Jeanne Morrison; Virginia Pearson; Sarah Powell; Cynthia Rouse; Betty Sylvest; Vickey Walley; Bobbie Sue Whitworth
NFS: Nancy Bertolino; Wayne Billon; William Forsythe; Ross Santell
Philosophy & Religion: Forrest Wood
Physics: Ray Folse; William Hughes; Grayson Rayborn; Rudy Sirochman
Political Science: James Lea; Gail Lucas; Ron Marquardt; Jerold Waltman
Polymer Science: Gerald Mattson; Oliver Smith
Psychology: George Buelow; Theodore Christ; Ron Edwards; Greg Eells; Vincent Fortunato; B. Jo Hailey; Jim Hollandsworth; Gary Jones; Todd Kahan; Jake Levy; Lynda Mae; Daniel Randolph; Lillian Range; Paul Siakaluk
Sociology: Frank Glamser
Speech & Hearing Sciences: Richard Saniga
Theatre and Dance: Rebecca Dyer; Brian Hapcic; Frank Kuhn; Andrew Suthland
Even though I did the work of two people while at USM , Dee Jones and Dolores Jones are the same person (in the Lib. Sci/Libraries). Could the person who is maintaining this list please make that adjustment?