quote: Originally posted by: ELR goner "Margaret (Peggy) Smith"
The only surprise about this is that it took so long, since her spouse Michael Clay Smith retired from USM some time ago. He was one of the first "early retirees" from Criminal Justice, when it was moved to COST and the departmental orientation changed. I understand that Rev. Smith is minister of a church on the Gulf Coast, proving there is life after USM.
I seem to recall Mike Smith commenting that "this wasn't what he signed on for" when he announced his retirement - A reference to the shift in colleges, not necessarily any shift in the department's focus. Privately speaking, he was very disgruntled with decisions made by the CoST dean (gandy) on some promotion and personnel matters. Dr. Smith, you will recall, was the university attorney for some time and has always been a stand up guy. I'm sure he's enjoying retirement - sailing, ministering and relaxing (in no particular order). He will be missed.