I notice that several posters have recommended that we get a full accounting of just who departed USM since SFT took over. I agree completely, and will manage the project.
I have two lists: (1) a departures list covering August 2003 - July 2004, which is stickyed to the top of this board (and is now closed), and (2) a current list covering August 2004 - July 2005, which I update periodically. Since Thames took over in May of 2002, what we need is a June 2002-July 2003 list.
Here's how to go about it. Just start replying to this post with info on people. Please be as accurate as possible as to when they left, and be sure to check the 03-04 list to be certain their name hasn't already been included.
I need name (accurate spelling), their position at USM when they left, and where they went (school name, etc.). If they went into retirement, please let me know that.
From what I can tell, "memorial wall" built his/her list on mine (you dog; JK!), so he/she can join in with "wall updates" as the info is passed along here.
So, for those of you who have been adding info to his/her postings, please bring them over here. If you've ever submitted people to my postings that I previously deemed to early for my other 2 lists, reiterate them here.
Thank you, and God bless. I think it is important that we do this.
Longhorn Eagle
Melissa Whiting - asst. prof who went up for t and p (approved by all except Dana and her daddy) approved for tenure and promotion by Griffen and Cotton (both need to be added somehow), no contact with SFT until after classes started in Fall 2002, got a letter that she would be terminated in May 2003 but her benefits etc. were cut Oct. 2002. At U of Ark. Ft. Smith now as director of English Educ. in the College of Liberal Arts and Science. as an Associate Professor. So 2002? 2003? Who knows.
Margaret Mary Sulentic - (assist. prof) approved for 3rd year by the UAC but denied by new provost Grimes. No contract either for Fall 2002. Left and became Assist. Superintendent for the East Baton Rouge Parish -- many USM elementary education graduates are happy hires under her tutelage.
Michael and Sally Martin (assoc. profs.)- 2003 (left after the Spring Semester). Both are now at Eastern Kentucky
Gloria Beal (asst. prof.) - retired after Spring 2003.
Ada Belton, Assist. Prof in CISE died of cancer in fall 2003. With Jesse's death - as well as John Davis's (2003 - he was a Full Prof in the dept.)- the dept. was pretty well nailed regardless of Dana's efforts to assert some inane version of authority.
quote: Originally posted by: Psych monitor "Gary E. Jones, Professor of Psychology (May, 2003) Now department chair at University of Louisiana - Shreveport"