he Ad Hoc Emergency Committee for Sobriquet Superiority has locked down this week's candidates for the coveted Nom d'Aplomb Award. You may vote for your favorite aliases by going to the Vote-O-Matic™ & rating any or all of the nom-inations on a scale of zero to five, where (as usual) zero & five represent whatever you want them to represent.
This week's secret access code is ChromeDomeGnome.
Vote early. Vote often. There's no age limit; your kids can vote. No residency requirement; your Great-Aunt Gertrude from Hoboken can vote. And don't forget to let your pets vote -- just hold their paws, claws, wings, fins, or ventral scutes up to the keyboard & let them cast their ballots, too. Do like a good Hattiesburg politician & get all those dead guys from Ward 4 to pile in the van. Vote! Vote! Vote!