Here is an interview with Gregg Lassen that appeared in Pointe Innovation Magazine this month.
USM Finance Guru Wears many Hats
Recently, staff members at Pointe Innovation Magazine sat down with USM Vice President of Financial Affairs, Gregg Lassen. What appears is a Q&A format of our discussions with him
PIM: USM is growing by leaps and bounds. New buildings, burgeoning enrollments..What do you think of all this?
Lassen: I think it's awesome. I was just over in Einstein's yesterday. That place is great.
PIM: So, you're the Vice President of Financial Affairs and a PhD student in USM's world reknown economic development program. You have a wife, kids --- how do you do it all?
Lassen: Well, my professors are very lenient with me, in terms of getting my assignments in. The program is mainly an online one, and there is very little proctoring. That helps. My family is very understanding and supportive. My fraternity brothers have been wonderful to me, very supportive since I've been at USM. Our "old test file" has been quite helpful. Dr. Thames has been special; he understands when I have to duck out of a cabinet meeting and get to class, or when I have to leave a PUC meeting to tend to a sick kid. It's been great.
PIM: What's it like working for Dr. Thames?
Lassen: I have been surprised at how little he knows about running a University. It's a work in progress, for all of us I guess. But, we're making it. We have each other's back, that's for sure.
PIM: We've heard from naysayer faculty about Thames' legendarily bad temper. Is there anything to that?
Lassen: It's overblown, in my opinion. I don't see it. If he does get mad, you can bet someone deserves it. Like when Dean Doty took that Grimes letter to the media. That shouldn't have happened. I think Dr. Thames showed amazing restraint, actually. He will get on to his own when he has to. Like that time I was hanging out with Walt Cain and some of the brothers at Starbuck's, when I was supposed to be going to the Hub and back to get mail. I got caught, and a real tongue lashing. But I deserved it. I know that.
PIM: What about talk of you becoming Dean of the College of Business?
Lassen: It's very flattering. Sure, I could do it. I worked in a similar capacity at another University before coming here. I know that stuff. Right now, I just want to concentrate on my studies and on being the best VP I can be.
PIM: What mark do you want to leave on USM?
Lassen: I want students to understand that they can do anything [under Dr. Thames' leadership]. It's great that Jonathan Krebs went after and got the SGA President. But, why didn't he apply for Provost? Our students have to think out of the box, and realize that anything's possible at USM. They have to believe they are special. They can do it.
This is great; reminds me of an interview with another of SFT's lackeys that really did run last year. A sign of your success as a parodist is that at first I thought this really was legit.
quote: Originally posted by: Just an opinion "This is great; reminds me of an interview with another of SFT's lackeys that really did run last year. A sign of your success as a parodist is that at first I thought this really was legit."