Should the presidents of Mississippi’s four-year public universities be evaluated annually by the state College Board?
Total Votes: 87
Why would any sensible person vote "no"? At one point the "yes" votes were up to 97%; I was hoping this might be an even bigger anti-Shelby blow-out than past polls have been, with perhaps 99% voting "yes." Instead, it looks as if he may use by one of his moer typical margins of 9-1.
Results as of 7:28 CST; Shelby and his buddies must be sitting home hitting the "no" button, because the percentage of "yes" votes is falling. Now is the time for all good voters to come to the aid of the "yes" folks.
Should the presidents of Mississippi’s four-year public universities be evaluated annually by the state College Board?
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "Results as of 12:39 a.m. CST, 3/29/05: Should the presidents of Mississippi’s four-year public universities be evaluated annually by the state College Board? 91.0% Yes 9.0% No Total Votes: 199"
Aaaaamen. Aaaamen! Biweekly evaluations are better than once in a "blue moon" but perhaps, once a week would be more appropriate for the thug who calls himself president!
quote: Originally posted by: Amen. Amen "Amy, Aaaaamen. Aaaamen! Biweekly evaluations are better than once in a "blue moon" but perhaps, once a week would be more appropriate for the thug who calls himself president!"
We must not forget, my friends, that he evaluates himself each day and finds all well, very well indeed. And, in his opinion, his is the only evaluation that counts.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer " We must not forget, my friends, that he evaluates himself each day and finds all well, very well indeed. And, in his opinion, his is the only evaluation that counts. "
Does this evaluation occur when he speaks to the Lord? Did he say once he speaks with God?
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " More than once, he has claimed to speak to his Lord. Of course, Invictus thought he meant Gerald Lord (someone at SACS) at one point! "
He doesn't need to check in with the Lord too often, because he already knows beforehand what the Lord will say; in theological terms, this is technically known as "semi-divine foreknowledge and pre-assurance."
Reminds me of the old joke: What did the Calvinist say after he fell down a flight of stairs? Answer: "Well, I'm glad I got THAT over with!"