quote: Originally posted by: Little Albert "Spring Break is over and I am coming back. Did yawl miss me? Just 5 days gone and it looks like all hell broke loose :) Besides SSDude, what else did I miss?"
Where to begin? Last Monday Dr. Thames was surprised in flagrante dilecto by a group of church ladies who dropped by the dome to pay their respects. He immediately submitted his resignation "for the good of his beloved USM," and is now retired. The new USM president, Andrea Hewitt, was recruited from Vanderbilt University following a 48 hour nation-wide search. Her first official acts were the reinstatement of Professors Gary Stringer and Frank Glamser, and her designation of COB Professor W.J. Johnson as the new University Provost. Following the Thames retirement announcement, Gulf Coast COO Dr. Ken Malone elected to submit his resignation and return to the private sector. He is now managing a paint store owned by the Thames family. Speaking of the family, Dana Thames has also departed USM, relocated to Michigan, and entered the Thomas Cooley School of Law. Upon graduation, she hopes to return to Hattiesburg, pass the Mississippi Bar, and join the Hanbury & Dvorak law firm. The only other item of possible interest to you is the imminent departure of Lisa Slay Mader, formerly USM Director of Public Relations. Ms. Mader has accepted a similar position with the Klumb Lumber Co., and will soon be moving to Alabama. That's about it. Others may feel free to chime in and supplement my report, as I'm sure I must have overlooked something.
quote: Originally posted by: Cossack "I think that pretty much covers it In The Know. Just another uneventful week in the Burg."
Anything new with Grimes, or Pood, or Lassen? Are they still hanging on, now that Papa Shelby is gone? What about the new USM D'Lo campus? Is that dead in the water now, since it was a Thames-Malone venture?
quote: Originally posted by: In The Know "Where to begin? Last Monday Dr. Thames was surprised in flagrante dilecto by a group of church ladies who dropped by the dome to pay their respects. He immediately submitted his resignation "for the good of his beloved USM," and is now retired. The new USM president, Andrea Hewitt, was recruited from Vanderbilt University following a 48 hour nation-wide search. Her first official acts were the reinstatement of Professors Gary Stringer and Frank Glamser, and her designation of COB Professor W.J. Johnson as the new University Provost. Following the Thames retirement announcement, Gulf Coast COO Dr. Ken Malone elected to submit his resignation and return to the private sector. He is now managing a paint store owned by the Thames family. Speaking of the family, Dana Thames has also departed USM, relocated to Michigan, and entered the Thomas Cooley School of Law. Upon graduation, she hopes to return to Hattiesburg, pass the Mississippi Bar, and join the Hanbury & Dvorak law firm. The only other item of possible interest to you is the imminent departure of Lisa Slay Mader, formerly USM Director of Public Relations. Ms. Mader has accepted a similar position with the Klumb Lumber Co., and will soon be moving to Alabama. That's about it. Others may feel free to chime in and supplement my report, as I'm sure I must have overlooked something."
Holy Cow, Maybe all we needed to do was go away for a week to get something accomplished. I can't wait to read about this in Robert Campbell's blog,fleshed out with all the juicy details. Better yet, I can't wait to see the big screen version starring Danny DeVito as Shelboo.
quote: Originally posted by: In The Know "Where to begin? Last Monday Dr. Thames was surprised in flagrante dilecto by a group of church ladies who dropped by the dome to pay their respects. He immediately submitted his resignation "for the good of his beloved USM," and is now retired. The new USM president, Andrea Hewitt, was recruited from Vanderbilt University following a 48 hour nation-wide search. Her first official acts were the reinstatement of Professors Gary Stringer and Frank Glamser, and her designation of COB Professor W.J. Johnson as the new University Provost. Following the Thames retirement announcement, Gulf Coast COO Dr. Ken Malone elected to submit his resignation and return to the private sector. He is now managing a paint store owned by the Thames family. Speaking of the family, Dana Thames has also departed USM, relocated to Michigan, and entered the Thomas Cooley School of Law. Upon graduation, she hopes to return to Hattiesburg, pass the Mississippi Bar, and join the Hanbury & Dvorak law firm. The only other item of possible interest to you is the imminent departure of Lisa Slay Mader, formerly USM Director of Public Relations. Ms. Mader has accepted a similar position with the Klumb Lumber Co., and will soon be moving to Alabama. That's about it. Others may feel free to chime in and supplement my report, as I'm sure I must have overlooked something."
Rumors of my return to the 'burg have been greatly exaggerated...
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " Rumors of my return to the 'burg have been greatly exaggerated... Truth"
Just returned to town and am trying to catch up on the latest message board posts, no small feat since most of the page one items are stale threads advanced by kickers with varying agendas. I did read the concerns over excessive kicks expressed by LVN and Ignoramus, and I echo their sentiments.
Since I see nothing in the local media about a Thames resignation, may I assume he's still here, and Andrea isn't the new prez? What about W.J. Johnson? Is he still hanging around? A little comic relief is always appreciated in these bleak times.
The next USM president will not be a traditional choice. The IHL will insert another Thames-like puppet. Hopefully they'll find one who can actually do his job without attracting so much attention. The IHL's bosses wanted SFT to drain USM quietly, but SFT opened a main artery. USM is headed for the bottom and fast. Nothing will stop that, unless the "old money elite" in Mississippi all kick the bucket at once.
quote: Originally posted by: Little Anthony and the Imperials "The next USM president will not be a traditional choice. The IHL will insert another Thames-like puppet. Hopefully they'll find one who can actually do his job without attracting so much attention. The IHL's bosses wanted SFT to drain USM quietly, but SFT opened a main artery. USM is headed for the bottom and fast. Nothing will stop that, unless the "old money elite" in Mississippi all kick the bucket at once."
This is a damn depressing thing to read first thing in the morning at the beginning of the week. I hope you're mistaken, but the scenario you describe is consistent with the conspiracy theories espoused by Invictus and many others.
quote: Originally posted by: Least Venerable "This is a damn depressing thing to read first thing in the morning at the beginning of the week. I hope you're mistaken, but the scenario you describe is consistent with the conspiracy theories espoused by Invictus and many others."
Be careful of some on this board who throw these things out to discourage us -- true friends realize how hard it is to keep morale up and don't suggest scenerios that are hopeless -- thus subverting faculty action in its own behalf. (I speak of the post to which you are responsding).
A number of individual posters have expressed dismay and discouragement -- but they bounce back. Be careful of people who seem intent on delivering one discouraging message after another. They may not be friends.
quote: Originally posted by: Little Anthony and the Imperials "The next USM president will not be a traditional choice. The IHL will insert another Thames-like puppet. Hopefully they'll find one who can actually do his job without attracting so much attention. The IHL's bosses wanted SFT to drain USM quietly, but SFT opened a main artery. USM is headed for the bottom and fast. Nothing will stop that, unless the "old money elite" in Mississippi all kick the bucket at once."