The hound dogs are sniffing, and we know what happens when the dogs lock on. So you will have to use the email address below to contact me. It will take at least 2 days for my reply to get back to you though because I have steps in place to make sure my email IP is different from the IP I use on this board.
Don't know about you folks, but I have zero interest in knowing who "ssDude" is or in talking to him. Don't know what hound dogs have so little to do that they are "after" him. Most of his posts make very little sense, don't carry on cogent discourse, and grossly misuse the English language.
quote: Originally posted by: ssDude "I have steps in place to make sure my email IP is different from the IP I use on this board.
ssDude, we've seen several trolls who attemptd to inject a bit of intrigue, secrecy and suspiciousness into their email IP. Is this troll characteristic learned or innate?
I really wish you would carry on a dialogue by means of the board. I truly think it can be done in a civil, constructive way. If nothing else, you could simply adopt a new nom de plume, try to phrase your ideas as non-provocatively as possible, and see what happens. I think the "ssDude" persona may be putting some folks on the defensive; if you tried for a genuine exchange of ideas under a new name, it might work. What do you think?
quote: Originally posted by: Computer Guru "ssDude, we've seen several trolls who attemptd to inject a bit of intrigue, secrecy and suspiciousness into their email IP. Is this troll characteristic learned or innate?"
It is intended to impress us with the troll's internet savvy. Personally, I'd be using chained mixmaster remailers & full encryption, were I paranoid.
quote: Originally posted by: ssDude "To USM Sympathizer: The hound dogs are sniffing, and we know what happens when the dogs lock on. So you will have to use the email address below to contact me. It will take at least 2 days for my reply to get back to you though because I have steps in place to make sure my email IP is different from the IP I use on this board. PS: To the hound dogs, I only let you know what I want you to know……think about it."
Boy this guy is good. So who did he catch? It was obviously a trap.
I trust he "caught" no one. Nobody I know cares to email him. We REALLY DON'T CARE who he is. If he wants to communicate, he can contact truth4usm, who relays messages and never, never, never tells.
quote: Originally posted by: Little Albert "Boy this guy is good. So who did he catch? It was obviously a trap."
Yet more lies. There are plenty of ways to communicate anonymously with one another. Just because I posted one here does not mean I tried to set a trap.
I admit I sent out 2 or 3 posts to send the hound dogs down an errant path, but you have to do that on this board sometimes. There are a few people on this board who, if they find out who you are, will destroy you. In fact, considering how skilled these people are, I am amazed that Thames is still in office.
And to you others that inanely accuse my email privacy as a "troll tactic," just what do you think the whole underlying basis of this board is? Just why do you use anonymous names to post here? Is it not to offer some privacy protection to the posters? Using your rationale, then, every one of you are also trolls.
LA, if you do not want to use my privacy method, then go to and type in the following: how to email anonymously.
This will be my last post. Webmaster, Invictus, Cossack, and Judd, you will not see a log-in from me ever again. Congratulations. You win.