Anyone else seen this email?
Strategic Plan Brown-Bag Open ForumThe University Planning Committee invites you to a Strategic Plan Brown-BagOpen Forum.Two such forums have been scheduled to give the university community anopportunity to comment on the planning document. Managed by membersof the University Planning Committee, these forums will be held on the followingdates:Wednesday, March 23, at noon in R.C. Cook University Union Hall ofHonors, Hattiesburg campusThursday, March 24, at noon in Hardy Hall, Gulf Park campusTo view the draft vision, mission, commitments, strategies and goals, pleasego to the Southern Miss Strategic Plan Open Forum at or the Web page for the Department ofInstitutional Effectiveness at take advantage of this Strategic Plan Brown-Bag Open Forum.Your input is important. Thank you in advance for your interest in thestrategic direction of Southern Miss.For more information, contact Kathryn Stringer at 266-6775