Opinion - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 Why resort to name-calling?
I was intrigued by Joseph B. Parker's recent letter to the editor ("It is wise to think before speaking," June 17). Maybe professor Parker should expound this wise saying into "It is wise to think before writing."
I have not personally bashed any faculty at the university or given my opinions as to my support of Dr. Thames. What I have done is follow the story as best as one can from another state. From what I've read and had conversation about on this subject, it appears that there is room for improvement on all sides.
My letter today does not concern the specifics of the issues, but it does concern the previously mentioned letter to the editor.
Professor Parker has the ability to voice his opinion from the platform of his classroom, as well as to this newspaper. But to harshly criticize others for speaking their opinion and to call them less than "anti-intellectuals, members of the Flat Earth Society and the Know-Nothing Party" speaks volumes about his intolerance for diverse opinion.
Is that not what the core of tenure is about? One aspect of tenure is allowing for diverse opinion without censor. Too often we see in our society that mainstream beliefs are quashed by the so-called intellectuals. They, like professor Parker, use words attacking a person's intelligence to debate a different opinion. You would think one so broadly educated could communicate his points without resorting to name-calling.
The university is not a place for a president or faculty to become the center of attention. The University of Southern Mississippi is a place where I'll be sending my child this fall to learn. Educating my freshman daughter and all the other students is what the president and the faculty are in the business to do. My expectations are that the university family gets on with its stated mission.
quote: Originally posted by: CoolD " The university is not a place for a president or faculty to become the center of attention. . . . My expectations are that the university family gets on with its stated mission. G.W. Butler, Lakeland, Tenn. "
Agreed, Mr. Butler. Therefore, please support the quick removal of Shelby Thames so that life at USM can get back to normal as soon as possible. The faculty would like nothing more than to get back quickly to their teaching, their research, and their previously-calm lives. They cannot do so, however, as long as Shelby is metaphorically running around campus with a sledge hammer.
Well, well, well. It looks like people are finally catching on. Hey CoolD, you missed the other two letters that were published on that day or very close to that day. Look at my other posts that I will be posting soon. They won't be on top for too long though because the trolls keep pushing them off the first page. So you might have to look on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th page. The subject line will say "Repost:"