I received this notice Wednesday morning.
Thanks to the business meeting last night we now have a way to communicate and unite!
Dear Friends:
Many thanks for all your calls to the Senate today. The operators said the
phones were ringing off the wall -- it was often very difficult to get through.
That's exactly what we wanted.
Unfortunately, what we REALLY wanted didn't happen. The Bryan Amendment was
defeated (21 senators voted in favor, we needed 27), so the Senate's education
funding bill remains at the level passed by the Senate Appropriations
Committee -- it underfunds the MAEP by $200 million.
The debate on this bill was intense, and many who opposed the Bryan amendment
are still claiming to be education supporters. I, for one, am skeptical of
that position. Every Senator there had the opportunity to fully funded the
MAEP, and they failed to do it. Most who opposed the amendment did so in favor
of "going to conference." As Senator Mike Chaney (chairman of the Senate
Education Committee) and others claimed, "The Senate has a process for this." The
process he refers to is rejecting the House Bill and proposing a bill they
know the House will reject. When the two chambers don't agree, the bill goes to
a Conference Committee made up of three members of the House and three members
of the Senate (the conferees). This committee negotiates a deal which each
chamber must vote up or down (no amendments). This takes the power away from
the full Senate, those who represent all of us, and puts it in the hands of a
I will receive the official docket report tomorrow and will email it to you
as soon as I get it. Please contact your senator as soon as you know his/her
Please do not give up hope; this is not over. There are still things we can
do to affect the final outcome of MAEP funding.
1. Continue to hold our legislators accountable. Do not buy flimsy excuses,
and politely let them know you don't. They had a chance to bring us very
close to full funding today, and they didn't. Let your Senator know that you are
paying attention and that you still hold him or her accountable for the final
outcome of this funding bill. If this "process" really works for the
taxpayers, and if the Senate really wants full funding of the MAEP, full funding
should be the outcome of the conference report (what comes out of the conference
committee). Anything less than what the Bryan Amendment proposed will
represent a failure on the part of the Senate.
2. Urge your Senators to insist that the Senate conferees accept nothing
less than full funding in the final conference proposal. We will let you know
who the conferees are as soon as they are named.
3. Encourage the House conferees to stick to their guns and accept nothing
less than the House proposal -- and take more if they can get it!
Let's ratchet this up a notch. From now until the end of the session is
where the rubber really meets the road. Ask everyone you know to call their
senators and speak with them or leave a message. A perfect example: a Clinton mom
called her senator this evening to ask if he would like to explain his
opposition to the Bryan Amendment as she would be sending a memo to all teachers in
the district informing them of his position. She politely told him she would be
watching all his votes and reporting them to his constituents. He was VERY
kind to her and encouraged her to call him anytime.
These folks work for US. Let's make sure they understand that we are holding
them accountable. Let's send the clear message that we will not sit idly by
while they threaten our children's futures. We are the taxpayers of this
state, and it is our responsibility to see that our tax dollars are spent as WE
see fit. Keep the faith. Keep fighting for our kids. We can still win this
thing -- it's not over yet!