I have been away from the board for a few months dealing with several family crises. I am trying to read and catch up with what's going, but there's so much. I just really wanted to hear some predictions about where COB is heading. I have talked with a student wanting to persue a business degree at USM. This person is weary about SACS probation but thinks that COB is safe from any problems. The local paper doesn't report USM business very often. Isn't COB in danger of losing accreditation with another agency also? AASCB or something? What ever happened with the plans for Gulf Park's online program and didn't Doty write a letter to SACS about it? What happened with all of this? Please help me advise this one and many other wanna-be Eagles.
To current Eagles, feel free to take over my chalking duties. Last time I was on campus it seemed so glum. Colorful chalkwork will brighten someone's day.
~Night Chalker~
My new abode is a happy place where the chalk is abundant and welcomed by all. Covered in chalkdust I can freely roam many a hall. No longer in hiding, to this "chalker heaven" I will return each Fall.
Chalker! Good to see ya! check out Robert Campbell's Liberty & Power blog for the best, most concise update. It'd take the rest of your life to catch up on the board.