Thank you to the Guices for well-expressed thoughts on the USM situation, which reflects the way many of us feel. More of us need to speak out, so I will attempt to add my reflections.
For way too long, the faculty has ruled the university, approving or disapproving all decisions made by the appointed leader. It seems they agreed from the start not to cooperate with any decisions made by Dr. Thames. Why? He was one of their peers; they were jealous that he was chosen from among them; and they knew he would get the job done without asking their permission or input.
He has been appointed the "chief," and the buck stops with him. I know that he will get the job done and move the university forward. He will make decisions that are best for the university and not let others control him, which many would like to do.
As long as an employee does his job and does it well, there will be no interference from Dr. Thames.
This does not sit well with the faculty. They want to continue doing as they have for so long - in and out of the classroom, with no limitation on their freedoms, while denying Dr. Thames that same freedom.
Yes, they want him to be accountable to them, while they are accountable to no one.
Since my tax dollars go to support them, if I were in a position to do so, I would fire everyone of them who thought they could demand the dismissal of Dr. Thames so they could continue the status quo for themselves.
Yes, the state College Board does need to step in and inform all concerned to simmer down, do their jobs and stop talking to the newspapers and TV stations in order to keep it going.