I am wondering if someone would be willling to write up a quick rundown of all the things that have gone on that many students haven't heard about. I don't want to put a direct link on the site to this message board because I fear that the trolls will come in droves. Also, what other links might be of use to students?
I am working on getting a message board set up also.
I know it may be hard for some of you to do, but please try and direct concerned students this way...THANKS
When people have asked me for a run-down on the situation here--and believe me, people do ask--I have found it helpful to direct them to Robert Campbell's successive postings on Liberty and Power: http://hnn.us/search.php + "Southern Mississippi" in the search box. This might do for a start.
Let me count the ways. For starters, these have been mentioned on this message board:
First SACS probation in Mississippi in modern history. Drop to Tier 4 in U.S. News. Over 200 faculty departures in two years. Submission of controversial enrollment figures to IHL. Attempt to fire two senior tenured faculty members on unsubstantiated charges. Lowest nursing board scores in USM history. Major academic structure reorganization without appropriate consulting of deans/chairs/faculty Multiple appointments of persons without appropriate searches.