A few years ago, Walter Willams spoke on the USM campus in one of the Honors College forums. That was before SFT killed the forums, an altogether too common an experience at USM. Professor Williams was entertaining and thought provoking. I do recall that Professor Williams admitted to owning guns. He stated something to the effect, "I own guns, and if you hear they that came and took Wiliams' guns, you will know Williams is dead." I do recall that I was sitting next to someone who did not find his comment amusing. I am not sure if this faculty member was upset that Willams owned guns or that they would kill Williams to get his guns. Upon reflection, I think it was that he owned guns. I got the feeling that she thought the idea of Williams dead was not unappealing. When I mentioned that I subscribed to the old saying that God created man and Winchester made them equal, it did not help the situation. I got the feeling that having me dead along with Williams was beginning to have a great deal of appeal. But, all in all, a good time was had by all.
Now that's a funny story, Cossack. I'll have to say, I was shocked at Williams' final comment in his column today. Not exactly helpful at this moment.
However, I want to say something about being conservative and being Republican. I do NOT agree that CR's are anti-intellectual; at least the intellectual ones certainly are not. Most of the CR's I know are not business people and are not wealthy. To them, this affiliation is about certain "values" (we won't go into all that) which they perceive as under attack. One of the biggest LD's I know is also one of the richest, worst elitest snobs I've ever met! The point -- you can't just cant' make certain generalizations. My LD daughter-in-law and I probably agree on more fundemental issues than I and some CR's. In any group, there are wide divergences of opinion. I do resent the references to the "party line" -- I don't know what that is -- I think for myself. I'll bet a nickel that you'll find way more anti-SFT CR's than you think. Like someone else said, this is not about politics as much as it's about one man's hunger for power and money, and other people's desire to cash in and ride his coattails. When this is over, we can have a big ole food fight about our politics. Today, it's NO QUARTER.
As another "CR," I must say that your post on this topic is just beautiful! Even an outspoken "LD" like Andrea Hewitt would have to appreciate your views.
Thank you LVN. I can assure you that I am not a fan of any person who takes on a job and proceeds to use it to enrich him self and friends. I am not a fan of someone who feels comfortable doing away with due process. Threats to the freedom of one group are a threat to all groups. The motives of SFT and his minions are not political. They are the result of character flaws and lack of respect for other human beings.
I also can assure you that I am not impressed with some who are tolerant to some groups or classes of people, but are comfortable berating others because they "have bad motives." When you confuse ideas of people with assumed motives, it ceases to be an intellectual exercise and turns into a debate about who has the purest motives.
I think that what most of us wish for is to have an administration that respects the academic process, that can allocate resources wisely and with shared governance. Note that this does not mean allocated equally. Universities change, missions change, and demand by students for different majors change. Some times it is prudent to change the allocation in response to the environment. But not without considerable thought and input from constituents. SFT could never be that kind of administrator and would fail no matter how many times he tried. The boy has the flattest learning curve I have ever seen.