While riding through a virtual pipeline, I found this this letter from a president to the student body. I wonder how Shelby would handle something like this. (I already know that the students at that institution are likely thinking, "SPRING BREAK IS EARLY!")
An industry that does not treat its employees fairly invites uninionization. If Mississippi permitted unions (which it does not), and USM were an industry (which it rapidly becoming), the union organizers would be swarming all over campus. I love AAUP, but oh you Teamsters!
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Malaspina is in Canada (British Columbia, maybe?). And Canadian"
True, Dr. Campbell. But I believe the question was "how would Shelby handle something like this?"
I sure don't think he'd include a sentence like, "We have always enjoyed amicable and positive relations with our teaching and non-teaching faculty and highly value their commitment to students and their excellence in teaching and service. Unfortunately, in negotiations the Malaspina Board is caught between a rock and a hard place because it has little control over monetary items such as salaries, which are set by the Provincial Government."
More likely, he'd issue some proclamation about lamers not wanting to do a day's work for a day's pay & shortchanging the hardworking taxpayers of Mississippi, most of whom are paying taxes that are ludicrously low.
True... but in several other parts of the United States, the administration would respond to a faculty strike with anti-faculty rhetoric. Of course Thames is in a class by himself, when it comes to venting his despisal.